✨ A mini-project for doing Hirst Spot Painting on screen, done using 🐍 Python. ✨
Hirst Painting:
Damien Steven Hirst is an English artist, who dominated the art
scene in the UK during the 1990s. He is famous for his dot/spot paintings, which contains random
colored dots in some order. Learn More...📖.
hirst_spot_painter.py contains a class HirstPainter
which takes an image file
and extract colors from the file or takes color values directly and produce Hirst dot/spot painting on
screen. It also provides interactive development support.
For installing required packages,
pip install -r requirements.txt
For running example,
python hirst_spot_painter.py
class HirstPainter
Parameters | Description |
size | Takes an integer tuple (width, height). It cannot be less than (150, 100) . Default: (500, 500) . |
colors | Takes RGB color tuples or tkinter color strings. Default: ('red', 'green', 'blue') . |
image_file | Takes an image file and generate color palette from that. Note that if image_file parameter is given colors parameters gets overridden. Default: None . |
color_quality | Takes an integer denotes quality of colors is being taken from image_file . 1 means max quality. Lower the quality for improved performance. Default: 5 . |
color_count | Takes an integer denotes no. of colors is being taken from image_file . Default: 20 . |
pattern | Takes a pattern string. Pattern string must be one of the ('square', 'circle') . Default: 'square' . |
Methods | Description |
change_colors(colors) | Takes a list of RGB tuples or a list of tkinter color strings and changes the current painting. |
change_pattern(pattern) | Changes the pattern and repaints it with given pattern name. |
finalize() | Invokes the window's mainloop. After this changes cannot be done. |
screen_size(x, y) | Takes x(width) and y(height) values and changes the screen and repaint. Values cannot be less than (150, 100) . |
refresh_image(image_file) | Refresh painting with current image file or with new image file. |
Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels
HirstSpotPainter(size=(600, 600), image_file='Images/Image.jpg').finalize()
HirstSpotPainter(size=(600, 600), image_file='Images/Image.jpg', pattern='circle').finalize()