- Found keypoints (i.e. points of interest) in the given images, using SIFT point detector.
- Used SIFT to extract features for these keypoints.
- Matched the keypoints between two images by comparing their feature distance using KNN, k=2. I have used “ratio testing” to filter good matches (n0 = 0.75).
- Computed the homography matrix using RANSAC algorithm.
- Used the homography matrix to stitch the two given images into a single panorama.
- Performed Image denoising and Edge detection
- Implemented a 3x3 median filter to denoise image with salt-and-pepper noise
- Manually created different filters to detect horizontal, vertical, 45° direction and 135° direction (i.e. diagonal) edges
- Implemented four morphology operations
- Erode
- Dilate
- Open
- Close
- Implemented denoising using open and close operations
- Implemented boundary extraction using erode operation.