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Gabriela Ferreira 💻 gabis5093
Profissional de QA | Estudando programação para expandir minhas habilidades e contribuir com mais eficiência em projetos. Sempre em busca de aprender algo novo!

São Paulo

Ali Dehbansiahkarbon AliDehbansiahkarbon
Delphi/ .NET/ SQL Server Developer. Embarcadero MVP.
Romollo Rodrigues romollorodrigues

@fortesinformatica Fortaleza, CE

Patrick Prémartin DeveloppeurPascal
MVP Embarcadero - Formateur et développeur freelance. Langages : Delphi, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS.

Orléans, France

Mostafa Rashwan Mostafa141175
I am working over than 15 years as Regional Support Specialist Engineer in Cash Processing Solutions "CPS" and over 20 years as Software Developer using Delphi

Cash Processing Solutions b.v. Netherlands

Edwin Yip edwinyzh Guangning, Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China

Daniel Martins danismartins19

Custom Code Arapuã - PR

Vanthuir Maia VanthuirMaia
Codificar, explorar, criar - deixe o mundo do software ser sua tela em branco.

Garanhuns, PE, Brasil

MESA.D samrids
I'm a Delphi developer and I'm very interested in the Software Development process.

Chachoengsao, Thailand

ERDesigns - Ernst Reidinga erdesigns-eu
I am a passionate developer with a deep love for Delphi, alongside extensive experience in TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, C, C++ among others..

ERDesigns Belgium

Anderson Biz andersonbiz
CEO at biz code

biz code

Salvador Díaz Fau salvadordf
I'm an independent Windows and Android developer and the creator of BriskBard

Zaragoza, Spain

H.W HuangWei-cn
A new guy.

Home cn

Tom Yea 13501714030
Joseildo Rodrigues JoRodriguesDev
• Ciência da computação • Developer Delphi


Rodrigo Reis RodrigodosReis
IT Professional Software Architect & Software Engineer

Kakako Digital - Rodrigo Reis Brazil

Juvenal Batista jfbatista
Juvenal Ferreira Batista

Online Tecnologia da informação Valparaiso de goias - Go

William dFlota wdflota
Consultor en Tecnologías de la Información


George Birbilis birbilis
Computer & Informatics Engineer @Zoomicon, Microsoft MVP J# 2004-2010, Borland Spirit of Delphi 2001

Zoomicon Patras, Greece

Prakash Shirodkar sirodcar
Delphi Develper

Sirodcar Goa, India

Benjamim Rodrigo BenjamimRodrigo
Backend developer

Limoeiro, Pernambuco

Manoel F. Guedes manoelguedess

iNove sistemas Palmas, To

Jackson Menezes JackMenezes
Software Developer Delphi | C | C++ | MySql | I.T. Analyst | I.T. Project Management |

SysSOFT - Soluções em Tecnologia São Paulo - SP