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Dione Batista DioneB
O Aprendizado é Contínuo e sempre haverá um próximo nivel

Wins Vue /home/stryke

Tom V. | OvᴇʀStylᴇFR OverStyleFR
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯BIO⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 👤 Moi : OvᴇʀStylᴇFR (Tom) ; 📍 Albi 🌐 Site :『 』 ⚽ Loisir : 🧑‍💻 ​ 🎮 🚗 🔧


Sporeo Sporeo
I don't trust them ice cream trucks. they are sketchy as hell.


Infernoo InfernooYT
Hello! I'm a German hobby developer. I can code in Java and have some experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Currently, I'm focusing on learning Python/SQL
James Nishikoto
Independent developer

Nishikoto Corp. Paris, France

Abe FastestMolasses

Los Angeles, California

Vincent Vincart
Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg Aerospace information technology

EmQopter Würzburg

Yolo™ Yolo-TM
DC: Yolo#4490


Jeremy Stencill Synkstar
Developer and SysAdmin from Ontario, Canada. Currently studying computer science.

Nasulex Ontario, Canada

skif sndrkrly
We are all alone on life's journey, held captive by the limitations of human consciousness.


Yuqing Lin linsci
Unity of Knowing and Acting.

self-employment Hangzhou, China

worklt worklovetech
Work on Loving Technology

HangZhou, China

Lorhan Sohaky LorhanSohaky
Programar é a arte de dar limite ao ilimitado

@ufscar @pwn2winctf @ctf-br São Carlos - SP, Brazil

Michael Le minhcrafters
a bozo who's trying to create things


Arnaud Lier ArnaudLier
@ric-rac founder, dev/sysadmin

@ric-rac France

William Gill 57-Wolve
"Where there's a Will, there's a way."

Wisconsin, USA.

xelvor xelvor
Junior Full Stack Developer


Certurix Certurix
20 yo lua and js enthusiast. Making projects and building them from scratch.


Oleksandr Huliakov AlexRazor1337
Node.js || Godot || MTA:SA


Stephen S. Mitchell stephensmitchell
CAD Designer/Developer | Digital Toolmaker


MoskalykA MoskalykA
Hi 👋, I'm Arthur I am French and I am a web developer
Gabriel T. Nardy gtnardy
Developing the next-generation sandbox game @nanos-world. University Student at UFSCar. Game Developing devotee.

nanos world São Carlos, São Paulo - Brazil