Samples for Apigee API Management
3rdPartyOAuthAPI - OAuth API to demostrate use of 3rd party OAuth servers for Auth Code and token generation. Complete flow can be tested with inclusion of below 2 apis.
- API Secured By 3rdPartyOAuth- Demo API secured by OAuth.
- External Client App - Demo Client App.
External Client App --> 3rd Party Oauth API --> API Secured by 3rdPatyAPI
3-Legged OAuth API - Authorization Code Flow.
2-Legged OAuth API - Client Credential Flow
Caching in Apigee - Caching external service response
MAC OAuth Token API - Generation of MAC OAuth token using Node Hosted API in Apigee
Generate JWT - API to generate JWT using HMAC-SHA-256 and RSA private key. This API generates JWT and send it to Verify JWT API.
Verify JWT - API to verify JWT using HMAC-SHA-256 and RSA public key. This API verify the JWT sent in header and if successful, sends a response back.
ExternalLoggingAPI - API to demonstrate use of external logging system. In this case we have used Loggly.