First of all, you can see the Pharo contribution guide. There are explained all the principla things for contributing with a Pull Request, opening an issue, and so on.
Pharo-AI has some naming conventions we will expose here.
Pharo-AI is a meta repository. The differents project of the Pharo-AI organisation should follow this convention:
- No
prefix - All lower cases
- Spaces ar replaced by dash
Examples: pharo-ai / apriori pharo-ai / metrics pharo-ai / neural-networks pharo-ai / linear-regression pharo-ai / k-means
The packages names should:
- Start with
- Be camel case
- Test packages should end with
Examples: AI-APriori AI-Metrics-Tests AI-NeuralNetworks AI-LinearRegression AI-KMeans-Tests
Class names should:
- Start with
- Start with
for Traits - Ends with
for test cases
Examples: AIAPriori AITUtil AINeuralNetworkTest
Baseline names should:
- Start with
- Be followed by the name of the project in camel case
Examples: BaselineOfAIAPriori BaselineOfAIMetrics BaselineOfAINeuralNetworks BaselineOfAILinearRegression BaselineOfAIKMeans
If you have some idea you are welcome to propose it. If it is an idea for an existing algorithm, you can create an issue in the correspondig repository. Feel free to tag the mainteiners.
If you would like to implement a new algoritm, you can also create an issue, or you can send an email to
For us, an external dependency is dependency that lives outside pharo-ai.
If you are implementing a new algorithm or if you are working on an existing one, and if you need to add an external dependencies, please do it using external-dependencies package. There is a README file where it is explained how to use it.
But basically, it is a package that only containts a baseline that will load for you an external dependency, like PolyMath or Roassal3. It manages for you the version of the dependency. Like that, if in the future we want to change the version of PolyMath that we are using, we only need to do it in one place.
In order to be integrated in the version 1 of Pharo-ai, all projects must follow those rules:
- Follow the naming convention
- Have a read me with an explanation on how to depend on it and a quick start
- Have tests
- Have a good code coverage
- Have a documentation in the folder
with a general description of the algorithme, a description of the API and at least one concrete example - A running CI
For the future releases we want also to have a bigger documentation in the form of booklets or a chapter for a future book