- New major version due to changed project structure.
- Added JEST and unittests. The testing that is added now is a base-layer of tests that will catch larger logical errors. Will add more tests in the future and re-work the base-layer to be more consistent and follow the same semantics as the implementation files.
- The main thing that is required for those of you who are already using the package is to update your imports. Please see the example folder.
- Added SCSS to allow for images in the Info-Window.
- New EventManager
- New NameManager
- New ConversionManager
- Broken down larger methods into smaller reusable units.
- Minor adjustments in layout for toolbox to make it more consistent across different tools.
- Reduced code in UrlManager that was not used.
- Added base-class for tools.
- Added base-class for managers.
- Fixed wrong name of callback for when browser state is cleared onBrowserStateClear -> onBrowserStateCleared
- DrawTool
- ScissorsTool
- ZoomboxTool
- Undefined window.binding for Events.custom.read -> Events.custom.ready
- ScissorsTool
- localStorage was referenced instead of sessionStorage
- DebugInfoModal
- Wrong property key for layer visibility visible -> isVisible
- BookmarkTool
- axios 1.7.2
- jsts 2.11.2 -> 2.11.3
- ol 9.1.0 -> 10.0.0
- screenfull 6.0.2
- uuid 9.0.1 -> 10.0.0
- @rollup/plugin-commonjs 25.0.7 -> 26.0.1
- @rollup/plugin-replace 5.0.5 -> 5.0.7
- cross-env 7.0.3
- eslint 9.2.0 -> 9.8.0
- husky 9.0.11 -> 9.1.3
- identity-obj-proxy 3.0.0
- jest 29.7.0
- jest-environment-jsdom 29.7.0
- lint-staged 15.2.2 -> 15.2.7
- rollup 4.17.2 -> 4.19.1
- rollup-plugin-license 3.3.1 -> 3.5.2