Rest application that performs a raffle using Twitter
Before using this app, go to and create an App. (You might need to apply for a developer account)
Fill the fields:
- App name: _raffle. Example: rafabene_raffle
- Description: This app will search for specific hashtags and check if the user who posted the tweeter follows me and has a posted a picture.
- Website URL:
- Tell us how this app will be used: This app will search for specific hashtags and check if the user who posted the tweeter follows me and has a posted a picture.
For the new App, Get the Consumer API keys, Access token & access token secret (you might need to generate them), and place it in the src/main/resources/ (DON'T COMMIT THIS FILE AS IT CONTAINS SENSITIVE DATA)
Run the following command after cloning this repo to avoid accidental commits of this file.
git update-index --assume-unchanged src/main/resources/
Run with
mvn spring-boot:run
Access the URL: http://localhost:8080/<hashtag for the raffle>
NOTE: Under the Standard Search API, only the 7 last days are included in the result.
- The Tweet must contain specified #hashtag that you defined (part of the query string)
- The Tweet must mention your username (part of the query string)
- The Tweet must have a picture of you (part of the query string)
- The Tweet must not be a RT (part of the query string)
- The user must be your follower (optional)