We have delete admin api exposed on carbonj and have script to call delete on all the shards and replicas. Why and how we would like to delete metrics from metrics cloud has been discussed here : Metrics Cloud Admin API - DELETE
This document is to show how we can delete metrics from metrics cloud.
You need to run the script deletemetrics.py located at /dw/ in one of the carbonj container
- Enter into one of the the carbonj container - kubectl exec -it carbonj-p1-0 -n carbonj sh
- cd /dw/
- Run the script ./deletemetrics.py
When you run the script, it asks for metric name to be deleted. You can either give a full metric name(leaf) or you can give a non leaf node metric name.
Deletes a single metric. Ex: What's the metric you would like to delete : pod30.ecom.session.count
deletes only that metric.
Deletes all the children of that node. Ex: What's the metric you would like to delete : pod30
deletes all the metrics under pod30.
What's the metric you would like to delete : pod30.*.*.count
What's the metric you would like to delete : pod*.*.*.count
removes metric ending count with depth 3 across all the pods. Should be careful when we use it this.
Suffix delete is triggered if the first node of the given metric is **
What's the metric you would like to delete : **.order.data
Finds all the segments from the root that contains first occurrence of the order.data and deletes all of them. We should exercise this with care as this may parse the full tree in the worst case and is very expensive. Avoid using this if possible.
Script allows to exclude nodes from deletion. You can give list of node that you don't want to delete
What's the metric you would like to delete : pod20
What are the metrics you would like to exclude from deletion Ex : a,b : ecom_ag
In this case all the metics under pod20 get deleted except ecom_ag.
Script allows to do the dry run before actual delete. Response will have total nodes count and leaf node count. If it is run with delete mode, it actually deletes the metrics
Would you like to execute delete operation on all the shards ? yes or No : yes
Script allows to target certain shard & replica for deletion. It also has an option to execute delete on all the shards and replicas.
For all the shards and replicas
Would you like to execute delete operation on all the shards ? yes or No : yes
For specific shards and replicas
What are the shrards you would like to delete metrics on Ex: 1, 2, 3? 1,2
What are the replicas you would like to delete metrics on Ex: 0,1? 0,1
Delete all the metrics from pod28 except ecom_ag.
sh-4.2# cd dw/
sh-4.2# ./deletemetrics.py
What's the metric you would like to delete : pod28
What are the metrics you would like to exclude from deletion Ex : a,b : ecom_ag
Do you want to delete the metric pod28 or Do the dry run : yes[delete] or No[dry-run] : yes
Would you like to execute delete operation on all the shards ? yes or No : yes
Execution is being called on these shard-replicas :
Do you really want to proceed with delete yes or NO ? : yes
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p4-0.carbonj-p4.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 0, 'leafCount': 0, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': [], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 0}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p3-1.carbonj-p3.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 0, 'leafCount': 0, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': [], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 0}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p5-1.carbonj-p5.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 0, 'leafCount': 0, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': [], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 0}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p5-0.carbonj-p5.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 0, 'leafCount': 0, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': [], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 0}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p3-0.carbonj-p3.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 0, 'leafCount': 0, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': [], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 0}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p4-1.carbonj-p4.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 0, 'leafCount': 0, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': [], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 0}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p1-1.carbonj-p1.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 910048, 'leafCount': 531426, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': ['pod28'], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 292376}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p1-0.carbonj-p1.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 910048, 'leafCount': 531426, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': ['pod28'], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 296652}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p2-1.carbonj-p2.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 2145235, 'leafCount': 1316952, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': ['pod28'], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 681003}}
{'url': 'http://carbonj-p2-0.carbonj-p2.carbonj.svc.cluster.local:2001/_dw/rest/carbonj/metrics/deleteAPI/pod28?exclude=ecom_ag&delete=true', 'status': 200, 'response': {'totalCount': 2145233, 'leafCount': 1316951, 'success': True, 'error': None, 'metricsList': ['pod28'], 'metrics': [], 'deleteBranch': True, 'responseTtime': 704619}}
!!!!! Execution complete. You can find the results here: /dw/delete-2019-08-2113:32:53.045084.txt !!!!!