Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | Pointer to string | The name of this application. | |
Description | Pointer to string | A longer description of the application. | [optional] |
Timezone | Pointer to string | A string containing an IANA timezone descriptor. | |
Currency | Pointer to string | The default currency for new customer sessions. | |
CaseSensitivity | Pointer to string | The case sensitivity behavior to check coupon codes in the campaigns of this Application. | [optional] |
Attributes | Pointer to map[string]interface{} | Arbitrary properties associated with this campaign. | [optional] |
Limits | Pointer to []LimitConfig | Default limits for campaigns created in this application. | [optional] |
CampaignPriority | Pointer to string | Default priority for campaigns created in this Application. | [optional] [default to CAMPAIGN_PRIORITY_UNIVERSAL] |
ExclusiveCampaignsStrategy | Pointer to string | The strategy used when choosing exclusive campaigns for evaluation. | [optional] [default to EXCLUSIVE_CAMPAIGNS_STRATEGY_LIST_ORDER] |
DefaultDiscountScope | Pointer to string | The default scope to apply `setDiscount` effects on if no scope was provided with the effect. | [optional] |
EnableCascadingDiscounts | Pointer to bool | Indicates if discounts should cascade for this Application. | [optional] |
EnableFlattenedCartItems | Pointer to bool | Indicates if cart items of quantity larger than one should be separated into different items of quantity one. See the docs. | [optional] |
AttributesSettings | Pointer to AttributesSettings | [optional] | |
Sandbox | Pointer to bool | Indicates if this is a live or sandbox Application. | [optional] |
EnablePartialDiscounts | Pointer to bool | Indicates if this Application supports partial discounts. | [optional] |
DefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope | Pointer to string | The default scope to apply `setDiscountPerItem` effects on if no scope was provided with the effect. | [optional] |
Key | Pointer to string | Hex key for HMAC-signing API calls as coming from this application (16 hex digits). | [optional] |
func (o *NewApplication) GetName() string
GetName returns the Name field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetNameOk() (string, bool)
GetNameOk returns a tuple with the Name field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasName() bool
HasName returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetName(v string)
SetName gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Name field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetDescription() string
GetDescription returns the Description field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetDescriptionOk() (string, bool)
GetDescriptionOk returns a tuple with the Description field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasDescription() bool
HasDescription returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetDescription(v string)
SetDescription gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Description field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetTimezone() string
GetTimezone returns the Timezone field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetTimezoneOk() (string, bool)
GetTimezoneOk returns a tuple with the Timezone field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasTimezone() bool
HasTimezone returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetTimezone(v string)
SetTimezone gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Timezone field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetCurrency() string
GetCurrency returns the Currency field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetCurrencyOk() (string, bool)
GetCurrencyOk returns a tuple with the Currency field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasCurrency() bool
HasCurrency returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetCurrency(v string)
SetCurrency gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Currency field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetCaseSensitivity() string
GetCaseSensitivity returns the CaseSensitivity field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetCaseSensitivityOk() (string, bool)
GetCaseSensitivityOk returns a tuple with the CaseSensitivity field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasCaseSensitivity() bool
HasCaseSensitivity returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetCaseSensitivity(v string)
SetCaseSensitivity gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the CaseSensitivity field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetAttributes() map[string]interface{}
GetAttributes returns the Attributes field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetAttributesOk() (map[string]interface{}, bool)
GetAttributesOk returns a tuple with the Attributes field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasAttributes() bool
HasAttributes returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetAttributes(v map[string]interface{})
SetAttributes gets a reference to the given map[string]interface{} and assigns it to the Attributes field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetLimits() []LimitConfig
GetLimits returns the Limits field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetLimitsOk() ([]LimitConfig, bool)
GetLimitsOk returns a tuple with the Limits field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasLimits() bool
HasLimits returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetLimits(v []LimitConfig)
SetLimits gets a reference to the given []LimitConfig and assigns it to the Limits field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetCampaignPriority() string
GetCampaignPriority returns the CampaignPriority field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetCampaignPriorityOk() (string, bool)
GetCampaignPriorityOk returns a tuple with the CampaignPriority field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasCampaignPriority() bool
HasCampaignPriority returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetCampaignPriority(v string)
SetCampaignPriority gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the CampaignPriority field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetExclusiveCampaignsStrategy() string
GetExclusiveCampaignsStrategy returns the ExclusiveCampaignsStrategy field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetExclusiveCampaignsStrategyOk() (string, bool)
GetExclusiveCampaignsStrategyOk returns a tuple with the ExclusiveCampaignsStrategy field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasExclusiveCampaignsStrategy() bool
HasExclusiveCampaignsStrategy returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetExclusiveCampaignsStrategy(v string)
SetExclusiveCampaignsStrategy gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the ExclusiveCampaignsStrategy field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetDefaultDiscountScope() string
GetDefaultDiscountScope returns the DefaultDiscountScope field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetDefaultDiscountScopeOk() (string, bool)
GetDefaultDiscountScopeOk returns a tuple with the DefaultDiscountScope field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasDefaultDiscountScope() bool
HasDefaultDiscountScope returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetDefaultDiscountScope(v string)
SetDefaultDiscountScope gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DefaultDiscountScope field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetEnableCascadingDiscounts() bool
GetEnableCascadingDiscounts returns the EnableCascadingDiscounts field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetEnableCascadingDiscountsOk() (bool, bool)
GetEnableCascadingDiscountsOk returns a tuple with the EnableCascadingDiscounts field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasEnableCascadingDiscounts() bool
HasEnableCascadingDiscounts returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetEnableCascadingDiscounts(v bool)
SetEnableCascadingDiscounts gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the EnableCascadingDiscounts field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetEnableFlattenedCartItems() bool
GetEnableFlattenedCartItems returns the EnableFlattenedCartItems field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetEnableFlattenedCartItemsOk() (bool, bool)
GetEnableFlattenedCartItemsOk returns a tuple with the EnableFlattenedCartItems field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasEnableFlattenedCartItems() bool
HasEnableFlattenedCartItems returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetEnableFlattenedCartItems(v bool)
SetEnableFlattenedCartItems gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the EnableFlattenedCartItems field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetAttributesSettings() AttributesSettings
GetAttributesSettings returns the AttributesSettings field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetAttributesSettingsOk() (AttributesSettings, bool)
GetAttributesSettingsOk returns a tuple with the AttributesSettings field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasAttributesSettings() bool
HasAttributesSettings returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetAttributesSettings(v AttributesSettings)
SetAttributesSettings gets a reference to the given AttributesSettings and assigns it to the AttributesSettings field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetSandbox() bool
GetSandbox returns the Sandbox field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetSandboxOk() (bool, bool)
GetSandboxOk returns a tuple with the Sandbox field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasSandbox() bool
HasSandbox returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetSandbox(v bool)
SetSandbox gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the Sandbox field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetEnablePartialDiscounts() bool
GetEnablePartialDiscounts returns the EnablePartialDiscounts field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetEnablePartialDiscountsOk() (bool, bool)
GetEnablePartialDiscountsOk returns a tuple with the EnablePartialDiscounts field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasEnablePartialDiscounts() bool
HasEnablePartialDiscounts returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetEnablePartialDiscounts(v bool)
SetEnablePartialDiscounts gets a reference to the given bool and assigns it to the EnablePartialDiscounts field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetDefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope() string
GetDefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope returns the DefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetDefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScopeOk() (string, bool)
GetDefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScopeOk returns a tuple with the DefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasDefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope() bool
HasDefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetDefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope(v string)
SetDefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the DefaultDiscountAdditionalCostPerItemScope field.
func (o *NewApplication) GetKey() string
GetKey returns the Key field if non-nil, zero value otherwise.
func (o *NewApplication) GetKeyOk() (string, bool)
GetKeyOk returns a tuple with the Key field if it's non-nil, zero value otherwise and a boolean to check if the value has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) HasKey() bool
HasKey returns a boolean if a field has been set.
func (o *NewApplication) SetKey(v string)
SetKey gets a reference to the given string and assigns it to the Key field.