MIRACLE: back-end intrastructure
Acting as a component part of the wider SCARV project, MIRACLE captures a range of components that relate to the study of micro-architectural side-channel leakage, i.e., leakage that stems from micro-architectural behaviour. Specifically, there are three main components, namely a suite of software kernels, specifically constructed to assess whether or not a given form of leakage is evident; a framework for executing such kernels and acquiring associated data sets, e.g., traces of power consumption; and a framework for analysing such data sets, and then presenting the results (via a web-based front-end).
This tool is developed as part of the SCARV Miracle project. It is used to store large numbers of compressed trace datasets and subsequent analyses. It allows results to be organised by the device and experiment pairs which generated them.
This repository is not designed to be used as a standalone tool, but as a sub-component of the miracle-experiments repository.
There is a simple command line tool which can be used to create a new leakage database, and perform basic maintainance.
$> ./cli.py --help
usage: cli.py [-h] [--backend {sqlite}] [--verbose] [--log LOG]
positional arguments:
dbpath File-path of the database
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--backend {sqlite} Database Backend To Use
--verbose, -v Turn on verbose logging.
--log LOG Filepath to log too.
list list entries in the database
insert-targets Insert a new target into the database
insert-experiment Add a new experiment to the database. If the
experiment already exists, it is not updated.
init Create a new database file
show Show information on an object in the database
remove Remove an entity (and possible sub-entities) from the
plot Tools for creating simple plots from trace blobs
This work has been supported in part by EPSRC via grant EP/R012288/1 (under the RISE programme).