Customized YOLOv8 neural network model for detecting filaments, prominences and active regions in fulldisk H-alpha images from GONG network. YOLO (You Only Look Once) is a convolutional neural network (CNN) designed for object recognition in images and videos. It is very fast and allows real time object detection.
Install YOLOv8 Follow instructions on YOLO website
Create Labeled Data for Training and Validation Used LabelImg to label images.
pip install labelImg
Train Model for Filaments, prominences and Active Regions using Labeled data
yolo task=detect mode=train epochs=400 data=data_custom.yaml imgsz=640 batch=32 patience=400
Predict using YOLOv8 on images/movies from NSO GONG Halpha network.
yolo task=detect mode=predict show=True conf=0.5 source=1.jpeg
Utility programs : Convert a colored or BW GIF animation to BW mp4 file Convert a colored or BW GIF animation to BW mp4 file with HistogramEqualization Download images from internet search.