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Lorenzo Mangani edited this page Jan 28, 2016 · 17 revisions



Having issues setting up or using Homer SIP Capture? No Problem!
Most likely someone raised and solved the same issue before - Enter HOMER'S F.A.Q.


  • I receive a fatal error while trying to clone GIT repository

Please update your GIT client to the latest version (ie: and try again

  • I see search results, but when i click on a message it shows an empty window

Please upgrade Kamailio to 4.3+ and edit kamailio.cfg as follows :

#For old models. Not accurate insert time. System vs capture time.
#$var(a) = $var(table) + "" + $timef(%Y%m%d);
#for Kamailio >4.3 please uncomment this parameters:
$var(a) = $var(table) + "%Y%m%d";

  • My proxy has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and it displays as two separate hosts in Call Flows

Go to Admin > Aliases define both the IPv4 and IPv6 address and for both define the exact same hostname. The V4/V6 flow will now correlate.

  • I'm running more SIP services on the same host and columns in Call Flows are not correctly disaplyed

Please change the following parameter in your preferences:

define('CFLOW_HPORT', 2);

  • I have a B2BUA and I would like to achieve leg correlation in Call-Flow

If your B2B leg are extending/appending the original Call-ID with a suffix (A-Leg: 1234 B-Leg: 1234+suffix) you can enable the following parameters:

define('BLEGCID', "b2b");
define('BLEGTAIL', "-0"); /* session-ID correlation suffix, required for b2b mode */

If your two Call-IDs are completely different, your B2BUA should insert an X-CID: header in the B-Leg, carrying over the A-LEG Call-ID:

define('BLEGCID', "x-cid");

  • If accessing Homer-UI via a locally defined hostname or [IPv6] URL and I see PHP errors related to API calls

Please define the same host/ip aliases on the server running Homer-UI in order for the server to refer itself using the same alias.

  • In Call Flow, the RTP Statistic tab is always empty

RTP Stats in Homer OSS are currently based only on X-RTP/P-RTP stats in BYE messages generated by User-Agents (Fritzbox, Linksys, Sipura, Cisco, Aastra ...). For the P-RTP-Stats string format reference see [ here]

  • I use Kamailio/RTPProxy and I would like to generate P-RTP-Stats

Although RTP-Stats are supposed to be generated by the UA/client to be any meaningful, if you are using Kamailio/RTPProxy you can still write pseudo-statistics (minimalistic, as seen from the server-side, NOT client-side) in your BYE messages using the data provided back to Kamailio core by RTPProxy using something as the following basic example in your script:

                        ## P-RTP-Stats snippet for Kamailio/RTPProxy
                        if (is_method("BYE")) {
                                setflag(FLT_ACC); # do accounting ...
                                setflag(FLT_ACCFAILED); # ... even if the transaction fails

                                $var(xrtpstat) = $(rtpstat{s.striptail,1});

                                 # Work the stats
                                 $var(rtp0) = $(var(xrtpstat){,1, });
                                 $var(rtp1) = $(var(xrtpstat){,2, });
                                 $var(rtp2) = $(var(xrtpstat){,3, });
                                 $var(rtp3) = $(var(xrtpstat){,4, });
                                 $var(rtp4) = $(var(xrtpstat){,5, });
                                 if ($var(rtp0) != "" || $var(rtp1) != "")
                                 append_hf("P-RTP-Stat:  EX=RTPProxy,PS=$var(rtp0),PR=$var(rtp1),PL=$var(rtp3)\r\n");


  • I see the following error in syslog:
ERROR: <core> [db.c:79]: module db_mysql does not export db_use_table function 
ERROR: sipcapture [sipcapture.c:323]: unable to bind database module 

This means was not loaded, likely because the module does not exist on the module's path (mpath) of kamailio.cfg

Please go to kamalio's source directory, modules/db_mysql and check if you have there. If not, execute in db_mysql:

make install

in other scenarios you might have to check the correct mpath in kamailio.cfg and is on this path.

find /usr/local -type f -name

  • I use HEP and see kamailio replying with 100 Trying, 200 OK. Why is that?

The messages have been replied to by onreply_route; To disable replies, adjust your kamailio.cfg as follows:

onreply_route {

  • I have results in webhomer, but some messages are still missing. What did I do wrong ?

Check your route block in the kamailio.cfg. If you want to capture all messages your route block must looks as follows:

route {

if you wish to bypass specific methods, i.e. OPTIONS or NOTIFY, use the following approach:

route {
    if(!(is_method("OPTIONS|NOTIFY")) {

onreply_route {

    if(!($rm =~"*OPTIONS|NOTIFY)$")) {

  • I have duplicate traffic/packets in my results

If you enabled capturing on your all SIP Proxies, each will duplicate incoming and outgoing SIP messages to your Homer node.

How do I fix it ?

  1. if you are using captagent, update to the latest git code and create an extra pcap file filter (using the -f param):
and not src host

where is your sip proxy - all packets from this host will be not duplicated to Homer.

  1. if you are using built-in agent, activate sip_trace() only for outgoing or incoming messages.

  • Partition Rotation doesn't work anymore and scripts reports: "DBD::mysql::db do failed: Out of resources when opening file './homer_db/sip_capture#P#p2011082512.MYD' (Errcode: 24) at line 137."

Increase open_file_limit for mySQL in your my.cnf (/etc/my.cnf)

open_files_limit = 24000

and restart mysql

  • No new traffic is inserted to DB and i see the following in my syslog: 'driver error on query: Table has no partition ...'

Your partition rotation script is not running. Please verify its correctly scheduled in CRON (to verify this is the case, execute the script manually)

  • No new traffic is inserted to DB and I see the following in my syslog: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:122]: driver error on query: Unknown column 'auth' in 'field list'

You're probably using the new DB schema with older Kamailio - Add the following line to your Kamailio configuration and restart:

modparam("sipcapture", "authorization_column", "authorization")

  • I have a lot of SIP traffic and some SIP messages are missing...

MySQL drops some INSERTS in HIGH traffic. Easy fix is to recompile MYSQL with INSERT DELAYED support for partitioning table:

=== modified file 'sql/ha_partition.h'
--- sql/ha_partition.h	2009-11-17 19:02:16 +0000
+++ sql/ha_partition.h	2010-01-17 00:06:41 +0000
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@
                                         HA_CAN_FULLTEXT | \
                                         HA_DUPLICATE_POS | \
                                         HA_CAN_SQL_HANDLER | \
-                                        HA_CAN_INSERT_DELAYED | \
 class ha_partition :public handler

and activate insert delayed in kamailio.cfg

modparam("sipcapture", "db_insert_mode", 1)

and do some tunning in my.cnf:

delayed_insert_limit = 8000
delayed_queue_size = 1000000
delayed_insert_timeout = 600
max_delayed_threads = 600

and also your kernel kernel in /etc/sysctl.conf

net.ipv4.udp_rmem_min = 131072
net.ipv4.udp_wmem_min = 131072
net.ipv4.udp_mem = 19257652

  • Can we see a sample my.cnf?

Dome parameters maybe not be needed, but with following mysqld works fine :-)

max_connections = 8000
key_buffer = 512M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
join_buffer_size = 4M
read_buffer_size = 4M
sort_buffer_size = 8M
table_cache = 1800
thread_cache_size = 384
wait_timeout = 7200
connect_timeout = 10
tmp_table_size = 64M
max_heap_table_size = 64M
max_allowed_packet = 64M
max_connect_errors = 1000
read_rnd_buffer_size = 524288
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 8M
query_cache_limit = 4M
query_cache_size =128M
query_cache_type = 1
query_prealloc_size = 65536
query_alloc_block_size = 131072

thread_cache_size = 16
open_files_limit = 24000
table_open_cache = 1024
read_rnd_buffer_size = 16M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
delayed_insert_limit = 8000
delayed_queue_size = 1000000
delayed_insert_timeout = 600
max_delayed_threads = 600
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
thread_concurrency = 16

  • The following error appears in syslog: "ERROR: sipcapture [sipcapture.c:658]: sipcapture:hep_msg_received: unsupported family"

Regular SIP messages are reaching your HEP socket. Consider using a non-standard port for your HEP capture.

  • Where is the captagent source? It used to be bundled with Homer?

Captagent has moved to its own repository starting with the new release.

  • I need to import a PCAP into Homer DB. Is it possible?

Yes it sure is

CAPTAGENT 4.x Download the latest version of captagent and use the flag -D to import a pcap. Please complete the setup and configuration before running:

captagent -v -D test.pcap

CAPTAGENT 0.x If you are using the "original" captagent originally included with webHomer, use the following syntax instead:

To import a pcap to Homer with current timestamp traffic:

captagent -p 9060 -D test.pcap -s homerserver -n -r 5060-5080 

To preserve the pcap original timestamps, just use HEPv2:

captagent -p 9060 -D test.pcap -s homerserver -n -r 5060-5080 -H 2 -i 101

You can also specify the captagent 0.8 path to automate the process in webHomer by using the following preferences.php - an IMPORT button will appear in PCAP toolbox:

define('PCAP_AGENT', 'captagent'); /* System path captagent 0.8 bin */
define('PCAP_HEP_IP', ""); /* HEP server IP */
define('PCAP_HEP_PORT', "5060"); /* HEP server PORT */

  • I use OpenSIPS 1.7.x and siptrace module does not support HEP encapsulation

To enable HEP support in siptrace/opensips 1.7.1 do the following:

  1. Download OpenSIPS SVN head

  2. Copy modules/siptrace and modules/sipcapture to the 1.7.1 source tree

  3. Modify modules/siptrace/siptrace.c as follows:

	-     if (dlgb.create_dlg(msg,0)<1) {
	+     if (dlgb.create_dlg(msg)<1) {
  1. Recompile the siptrace module:
	# make modules=modules/siptrace modules

Q: I see errors related to API calls (404 Not Found)

please be sure that you have activated mod_rewrite and added AllowOverride All to your Directory section:

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