When you don't want to break production...
1.) Run the splunk_local_launch.sh script file - this runs a docker container that is ephemeral.
2.) run docker logs -f splunk
until the the splunk service comes up. In the container there is an ansible script that setups the service. Or you could just wait until the web interface is up.
3.) log on to http://localhost:8000 username:admin password:password123
4.) run the script quicktest.sh
( you may need to adjust the timestamp in the data packet)
5.) search in the teams index for the data packet that you sent. index= teams
search time for alltime.
Sometimes you need an ephemeral splunk install to test data ingestion, butyou need some default values loaded. Default values such as:
- preconfigured indexes and sourcetypes
- pre allocated HEC tokens where the token value is known ahead of time.
Leveraging splunk's official docker container and using the tools provided by the official splunk Ansible implementation.
The docker file links to two preconfigured apps located in the configs directory ( lma.tgz and splunk_httpinput.tgz). There is also a generated default.yml file. Which is used to enable the global HEC token and to turn off SSL for HEC.
We setup the predefined indexes by creating a basic app (lma) and defining the indexes in the file
lma/local/indexes.conf as an example
cat temp/lma/local/indexes.conf
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/analyzer_results/colddb
homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/analyzer_results/db
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/analyzer_results/thaweddb
coldPath = $SPLUNK_DB/se/colddb
homePath = $SPLUNK_DB/se/db
thawedPath = $SPLUNK_DB/se/thaweddb
in this app we also defined a special sourcetype call json_timestamp
cat temp/lma/local/props.conf
AUTO_KV_JSON = false
LINE_BREAKER = ([\r\n]+)
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3N-%z
TRUNCATE = 20000
category = Custom
description = Data FROM the LMA logstash pipeline ( almost all data will use this.)
disabled = false
pulldown_type = 1
With that setup we needed to have some predefined HEC tokens that wouldn't change. I was actually surprised that this worked. I took the splunk_httpinput directory from the apps directory in a working splunk and created a tarball of it.
The Makefile is there just as a helper.
make uncompress
will just uncompress the lma app and splunk_httpinput app into the temp directory so you can make your changes. Once your changes have been completed...
make compress
will properly compress the lma and splunk_httpinput apps in the temp directory and place them in the output directory. You will then need to copy those new versions over the versions that are in the configs directory. I did it this way to stop you from accidently overwriting anything.