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Cobra Refactor

This document will serve as a guide for replacing the library with

The cobra library is what the main ibmcloud CLI uses, and has a lot more features in terms of supporting flag/argument options.

Along with changing the library, I'd also like to enforce that each command take in as arguments the terminal UI, and session parameters, and nothing else. Each CLI command should create an instance of a softlayer-cli manager if needed.

Environment Setup

We will be working from the cobraCommands branch for this project. Name your branch something like cobra<commandGroup> or something similar. cobra and the commandGroup should be in the branch name, and if needed a number or some other marker.

git checkout cobraCommands
git checkout -b cobraVirtual

Refactoring Pattern

This example will cover refactoring the sl account commands, the same patterns should be used in the other command groups as well.

Refactor the command group

GetCommandActionBindings() This function setup each of the command group's commands. In the new pattern, we will use a new function called SetupCobraCommands() the Metadata function will no longer be needed.


Comment out GetCommandActionBindings as it will be used to keep track of which commands need to be added.

The basic template will look something like this.

// Add these imports
import (
    "" // Cobra for new CLI
    "" // has the struct SoftlayerCommand

func SetupCobraCommands(sl *metadata.SoftlayerCommand) *cobra.Command {
    cobraCmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use: "account", // AccountMetaData()->Name
        Short: T("Classic infrastructure Account commands"), // AccountMetaData()->Description
        Long: "${COMMAND_NAME} sl account", // AccountMetaData()->USage
        RunE: nil,
    // Add actual commands in this section.
    return cobraCmd 

Refactor the command

Each command has a few things that need to be updated.

  1. type <Command>Command struct {} which defines a few properties for the command. Important to this refactor is that each paramter be added as a property to this struct.
  2. func New<Command>Command return type will change to *cobra.Command and this function will create an instance of the cobraCommand itself. This means we no longer need a MetaData() function.
  3. func Run() this function will require quite a few changes, especially in instances where paramters/arguments are referenced.


  1. Add the cobra import, and metadata import (if it doens't exist already)
import ""
import ""
  1. Update pattern and add any flags/options to the BandwidthPoolsCommand struct. This command only uses the OutputFlag flag... which is included in SoftlayerCommand, so we dont need to do anything else.
type BandwidthPoolsCommand struct {
    Command *cobra.Command
    AccountManager managers.AccountManager
    //Flag1 int
    //Flag2 string

*metadata.SoftlayerCommand // this format makes BandwidthPoolsCommand inherit the properties from SoftlayerCommand, so it has access to UI and Session Command *cobra.Command // all commands will have this, the reference to the actual cobra.Command

Because BandwidthPoolsCommand inherits from metadata.SoftlayerCommand, BandwidthPoolsCommand has access to BandwidthPoolsCommand.UI, BandwidthPoolsCommand.Session, and BandwidthPoolsCommand.OutputFlag.

This struct should also have a reference for the manager the command needs. Make sure to list any flags/options here as well.

  1. Update NewBandwidthPoolsCommand to be the new pattern. thisCmd will be a reference to the BandwidthPoolsCommand struct, and cobraCmd will be the actual Cobra command instance. RunE will have the reference to the actual thisCmd.Run(args) method. The Command Struct should also have a variable for each manager the command needs (usually just one though)
func NewBandwidthPoolsCommand(sl *metadata.SoftlayerCommand) *BandwidthPoolsCommand {
    thisCmd := &BandwidthPoolsCommand{ //Update this line
        SoftlayerCommand: sl,
        AccountManager: managers.NewAccountManager(sl.Session),
    cobraCmd := &cobra.Command{
        // The first 'word' in the Use line is the command name. Anything after that will show up in the help text
        Use: "THE-COMMAND-NAME-HERE",  // if a command takes arguments, add them here in ex: + T("IDENTIFIER")
        Short: T("Your translated short description goes here"), // Updates this from metadata
        Long: "",  // Remove this if the Usage from the old command is just basic information about how to run it. The Long description should be for examples, detailed information about the command.
        Args: metadata.NoArgs, // Make sure this accepts the correct number of args
        RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
            return thisCmd.Run(args)
    // Add any flags here
    // cobraCmd.Flags().IntVar(&thisCmd.Init, "init", 0, T("Init parameter"))
    thisCmd.Command = cobraCmd

    return thisCmd

Make sure to remove all these comment lines if you are copy/pasting this bit. They exist to remind you which lines need attention. Options for Args: I had to re-define these in the metadata package though (/plugin/commands/sl/args.go) so I could translate the error messages. Basically just copy/paste though. Just do metadata.MaximumNArgs(1) instead of cobra.MaximumNArgs(1) or whatever.

In the Long description, We no longer need filler like ${COMMAND_NAME} sl account bandwidth-pools as that will be added to the help text automatically now. Its ok to keep anything that are EXAMPLE though.

  1. Delete BandwidthPoolsMetaData()
  2. Update Run() to follow new pattern
func (cmd *BandwidthPoolsCommand) Run(args []string) error {
    pools, err := cmd.AccountManager.GetBandwidthPools()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    outputFormat := cmd.GetOutputFlag()
    // Rest of the function was unchanged
    return nil

Since we can enforce a number of args in the NewBandwidthPoolsCommand definition, the following, and similar lines are no longer needed (if you see them, not all commands have them)

// This section can be removed,  `Args: metadata.OneArgs,` is the same thing.
    if c.NArg() != 1 {
        return errors.NewInvalidUsageError(T("This command requires one argument."))

// Replace this
// bandwidthPoolId, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Args()[0])
// With
bandwidthPoolId, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
/* Replace this outputFormat style
    outputFormat, err := metadata.CheckOutputFormat(c, cmd.UI)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    outputFormat := cmd.GetOutputFlag()

Update any cli.NewExitError messages

// Replace this
//return cli.NewExitError(T("Failed to get Bandwidth Pool.\n")+err.Error(), 2)
// with
return errors.NewAPIError(T("Failed to get Bandwidth Pool."), err.Error(), 2)

errors.NewAPIError is something I just added so make printing API error easier. It takes 3 arguments, the error you want to tell the user, the API error, and an error code (which isn't used for anything at the moment). It will automatically put a "\n" between the 2 messages for you. If removing the \n from the translated string, make sure to remove it from the ids of all i18n files.

  1. Update SetupCobraCommands in account.go to add this command, and remove it from GetCommandACtionBindings
func SetupCobraCommands(sl *metadata.SoftlayerCommand) *cobra.Command {
    cobraCmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use: "account",
        Short: T("Classic infrastructure Account commands"),
        Long: "${COMMAND_NAME} sl account",
        RunE: nil,
    return cobraCmd 
  1. Check if it builds, remove any unused imports.

Refactor the action file

Refactor Unit Tests

Quick Replaces / copy-paste

Test setup, just need to change cliCommand and the accountManager

    var (
        fakeUI              *terminal.FakeUI
        cliCommand          *account.{{WHATEVER}}Command
        fakeSession         *session.Session
        slCommand           *metadata.SoftlayerCommand
        fakeAccountManager  *testhelpers.FakeAccountManager
    BeforeEach(func() {
        fakeUI = terminal.NewFakeUI()
        fakeSession = testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession([]string{})
        fakeAccountManager = new(testhelpers.FakeAccountManager)
        slCommand  = metadata.NewSoftlayerCommand(fakeUI, fakeSession)
        cliCommand = account.New{{WHATEVER}}Command(slCommand)
        cliCommand.Command.PersistentFlags().Var(cliCommand.OutputFlag, "output", "--output=JSON for json output.")
        cliCommand.AccountManager = fakeAccountManager

RunCommand(cliCommand ----> RunCobraCommand(cliCommand.Command


Most of these tests can be removed. We will just need to test SetupCobraCommands and AccountNamespace

since were not using the actionBindings anymore, I think its ok we don't test to make sure commands don't get accidently removed.

var _ = Describe("Test account.GetCommandActionBindings()", func() {
    fakeUI := terminal.NewFakeUI()
    fakeSession := testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession(nil)
    slMeta := &metadata.SoftlayerCommand{fakeUI, fakeSession, ""}
    Context("New commands testable", func() {
        accountCommands := account.SetupCobraCommands(slMeta)
    Context("Account Namespace", func() {
        It("Account Name Space", func() {
            Expect(account.AccountNamespace().Description).To(ContainSubstring("Classic infrastructure Account"))


With these tests, you'll need to add a var slCommand *metadata.SoftlayerCommand and initialize it with fakeUI and fakeSession like this: slCommand = &metadata.SoftlayerCommand{fakeUI, fakeSession, ""}, then use that to create an instance of the command you want to test, cmd = account.NewBandwidthPoolsCommand(slCommand)

Replace RunCommand with RunCobraCommand

var _ = Describe("Account Bandwidth-Pools", func() {
    var (
        fakeUI          *terminal.FakeUI
        cliCommand      *account.BandwidthPoolsCommand
        fakeSession     *session.Session
        slCommand       *metadata.SoftlayerCommand
    BeforeEach(func() {
        fakeUI = terminal.NewFakeUI()
        fakeSession = testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession([]string{})
        slCommand  = metadata.NewSoftlayerCommand(fakeUI, fakeSession)
        cliCommand = account.NewBandwidthPoolsCommand(slCommand)
        // Only needed if your testing json output for this command.
        cliCommand.Command.PersistentFlags().Var(cliCommand.OutputFlag, "output", "--output=JSON for json output.")

    Describe("Bandwidth-Pools Testing", func() {
        Context("Happy Path", func() {
            It("Runs without issue", func() {
                err := testhelpers.RunCobraCommand(cliCommand.Command)
                outputs := fakeUI.Outputs()
                Expect(outputs).To(ContainSubstring("3361 GB      7.13 GB         7.70 GB"))
            It("Outputs JSON", func() {
                err := testhelpers.RunCobraCommand(cliCommand.Command, "--output=JSON")
                outputs := fakeUI.Outputs()
                Expect(outputs).To(ContainSubstring("\"amountIn\": 7.54252,"))

Useful Regex

Expect\(strings.Contains\(err.Error\(\), \"(.*)\"\)\)\.To\(BeTrue\(\)\)

Expect\(strings\.Contains\(results\[([[:digit:]])\], \"([[:print:]]*)\"\)\)\.To\(BeTrue\(\)\)

# Converts 
# cobraCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&thisCmd.Dedicated -> \tDedicated\tBool
# useful when takign a lot of command options and converting them to golang struct properties


For tests that need a fake manager, use this pattern.

var _ = Describe("account bandwidth_pools_details", func() {
    var (
        fakeUI              *terminal.FakeUI
        cliCommand          *account.BandwidthPoolsDetailCommand
        fakeSession         *session.Session
        slCommand           *metadata.SoftlayerCommand
        fakeAccountManager  *testhelpers.FakeAccountManager
    BeforeEach(func() {
        fakeUI = terminal.NewFakeUI()
        fakeSession = testhelpers.NewFakeSoftlayerSession([]string{})
        fakeAccountManager = new(testhelpers.FakeAccountManager)
        slCommand  = metadata.NewSoftlayerCommand(fakeUI, fakeSession)
        cliCommand = account.NewBandwidthPoolsDetailCommand(slCommand)
        cliCommand.Command.PersistentFlags().Var(cliCommand.OutputFlag, "output", "--output=JSON for json output.")
        cliCommand.AccountManager = fakeAccountManager
    Describe("account bandwidth_pools_details", func() {
        Context("Return error", func() {
            BeforeEach(func() {
                fakeAccountManager.GetBandwidthPoolDetailReturns(datatypes.Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment{}, errors.New("Failed to get Bandwidth Pool."))
            It("Failed Bandwidth Pool", func() {
                err := testhelpers.RunCobraCommand(cliCommand.Command, "123456")
                Expect(err.Error()).To(ContainSubstring("Failed to get Bandwidth Pool."))

Pull Requests

Smaller pull requests are easier to check, so I would prefer making pull requests contain AT MOST 1 group of commands, and at least 1 actual command. Ideally limit your pull requests to about a days worth of work, and I'll try to get them all merged in at the start of the day.

cobraCommands is the branch we will be merging into while we get everything ready.