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#PowerShell Best Practices

The following guidelines come from a combined effort from both the PowerShell team and the community. We will use this guideline to define rules for PSScriptAnalyzer. Please feel free to propose additional guidelines and rules for PSScriptAnalyzer. **Note: The hyperlink next to each guidelines will redirect to documentation page for the rule that is already implemented.

##Cmdlet Design Rules ###Severity: Error ###Severity: Warning

###Severity: Information

###Severity: TBD

  • Support Force Parameter for Interactive Session
  • If your cmdlet is used interactively, always provide a Force parameter to override the interactive actions, such as prompts or reading lines of input). This is important because it allows your cmdlet to be used in non-interactive scripts and hosts. The following methods can be implemented by an interactive host.
  • Document Output Objects
  • Module must be loadable
  • No syntax errors
  • Unresolved dependencies are an error
  • Derive from the Cmdlet or PSCmdlet Classes
  • Specify the Cmdlet Attribute
  • Override an Input Processing Method
  • Specify the OutputType Attribute
  • Write Single Records to the Pipeline
  • Make Cmdlets Case-Insensitive and Case-Preserving

##Script Functions ###Severity: Error

###Severity: Warning

###Severity: Information

###Severity: TBD

  • Clear-Host should not be used
  • File paths should not be used (UNC)
  • Error Handling
    • Use -ErrorAction Stop when calling cmdlets
    • Use $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'/' Continue' when calling non-cmdlets
    • Avoid using flags to handle errors
    • Avoid using $?
    • Avoid testing for a null variable as an error condition
    • Copy $Error[0] to your own variable
  • Avoid using pipelines in scripts
  • If a return type is declared, the cmdlet must return that type. If a type is returned, a return type must be declared.

##Scripting Style ###Severity: Error

###Severity: Warning

###Severity: Information

  • Write comment-based help ProvideCommentHelp
  • Use write-verbose to give information to someone running your script ProvideVerboseMessage ###Severity: TBD
  • Provide usage Examples
  • Use the Notes section for detail on how the tool work
  • Should have help on every exported command (including parameter documentation
  • Document the version of PowerShell that script was written for
  • Indent your code
  • Avoid backticks

##Script Security ###Severity: Error

###Severity: Warning

###Severity: Information

###Severity: TBD

  • APIKey and Credentials variables that are initialized (information disclosure)

##DSC Related Rules ###Severity: Error

###Severity: Warning

###Severity: Information

  • All of the following three rule are grouped by: ReturnCorrectTypeDSCFunctions
    • Avoid return any object from a Set-TargetResource function
    • Returning a Boolean object from a Test-TargetResource function
    • Returning an object from a Get-TargetResource function
  • DSC resources should have DSC tests DSCTestsPresent
  • DSC resources should have DSC examples DSCExamplesPresent

###Severity: TBD

  • For PowerShell V4: Resource module contains .psd1 file and schema.mof for every resource
  • MOF has description for each element IssueOpened
  • Resource module must contain .psd1 file (always) and schema.mof (for non-class resource). IssueOpened
  • Use ShouldProcess for a Set DSC method
  • Resource module contains DscResources folder which contains the resources IssueOpened
