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300 lines (296 loc) · 14.7 KB

File metadata and controls

300 lines (296 loc) · 14.7 KB


Package names in italics are not documented in the Python 3.8 Library Reference.

Completion Description
unchecked stub file exists, but has not been checked, yet
missing stub file needs to be written
incomplete stub file exists, but some members are missing or have incomplete annotations
3.8 stub file exists, has all documented members and complete annotations for the given Python version


Package Completion Notes
__future__ 3.8
_ast incomplete missing excepthandler and Constant
_bisect unchecked
_codecs unchecked
_compression incomplete missing annotations
_csv unchecked
_curses unchecked
_dummy_thread unchecked
_heapq unchecked
_imp unchecked
_importlib_modulespec unchecked
_json incomplete missing annotations
_markupbase unchecked
_msi 3.8
_operator unchecked
_posixsubprocess unchecked
_random unchecked
_stat unchecked
_subprocess incomplete missing annotations
_thread 3.8
_threading_local unchecked
_tracemalloc incomplete missing annotations
_warnings unchecked
_weakref unchecked
_weakrefset unchecked
_winapi incomplete missing annotations
abc unchecked
aifc missing
antigravity missing
argparse unchecked
array unchecked
atexit missing
ast incomplete see _ast
asynchat unchecked
asyncio unchecked
asyncore unchecked
atexit unchecked
audioop missing
base64 unchecked
bdb missing
binascii unchecked
binhex unchecked
bisect unchecked
builtins incomplete missing annotations
bz2 unchecked
cProfile unchecked
calendar unchecked
cgi unchecked
cgitb missing
chunk unchecked
cmath unchecked
cmd unchecked
code unchecked
codecs unchecked
codeop unchecked
collections unchecked unchecked
colorsys unchecked
compileall unchecked
concurrent unchecked
concurrent.futures unchecked
configparser unchecked
contextlib unchecked
contextvars unchecked
copy unchecked
copyreg missing
crypt unchecked
csv unchecked
ctypes unchecked
curses unchecked
curses.ascii missing
curses.panel missing
curses.textpad missing
dataclasses incomplete missing annotations
datetime unchecked
dbm missing
decimal incomplete missing annotations
difflib unchecked
dis unchecked
distutils unchecked
doctest unchecked
dummy_threading missing
email unchecked
encodings unchecked
ensurepip 3.8
enum unchecked
errno unchecked
faulthandler 3.8
fcntl unchecked
filecmp unchecked
fileinput unchecked
fnmatch unchecked
fpectl missing
formatter incomplete missing annotations
fractions incomplete missing annotations
ftplib unchecked
functools unchecked
gc unchecked
genericpath 3.8
getopt unchecked
getpass unchecked
gettext incomplete missing annotations
glob unchecked
grp unchecked
gzip incomplete missing annotations
hashlib unchecked
heapq unchecked
hmac unchecked
html unchecked
html.entities unchecked
html.parser unchecked
http incomplete missing annotations
http.client unchecked
http.cookiejar unchecked
http.cookies unchecked
http.server unchecked
idlelib missing
imaplib unchecked
imaplib missing
imghdr 3.8
imp unchecked
importlib unchecked
inspect unchecked
io unchecked
ipaddress unchecked
itertools unchecked
json unchecked
keyword unchecked
lib2to3 incomplete missing several modules
linecache unchecked
locale unchecked
logging unchecked
logging.config unchecked
logging.handlers unchecked
lzma unchecked
macpath incomplete missing annotations
mailbox missing
mailcap missing
marshal unchecked
math unchecked
mimetypes unchecked
mmap unchecked
modulefinder missing
msilib 3.8
msvcrt 3.8
multiprocessing unchecked
multiprocessing.shared_memory 3.8
netrc unchecked
nis unchecked
nntplib unchecked
ntpath incomplete missing annotations
nturl2path unchecked
numbers incomplete missing annotations
opcode unchecked
operator unchecked
optparse incomplete missing annotations
os unchecked
os.path unchecked
ossaudiodev missing
parser missing
pathlib unchecked
pdb unchecked
pickle unchecked
pickletools unchecked
pipes unchecked
pkgutil 3.8
platform unchecked
plistlib unchecked
poplib unchecked
posix unchecked
posixpath incomplete missing annotations
pprint unchecked
profile unchecked
pstats unchecked
pty unchecked
pwd unchecked
py_compile unchecked
pyclbr unchecked
pydoc missing
pydoc_data missing
pyexpat 3.8 identical to xml.parsers.expat
queue unchecked
quopri unchecked
random unchecked
re incomplete missing annotations
readline unchecked
reprlib unchecked
resource unchecked
rlcompleter unchecked
runpy incomplete missing annotations
sched unchecked
secrets unchecked
select unchecked
selectors unchecked
shelve unchecked
shlex incomplete missing annotations
shutil 3.8
signal incomplete missing annotations
site unchecked
smtpd unchecked
smtplib 3.8
sndhdr unchecked
socket incomplete missing annotations
socketserver unchecked
spwd unchecked
sqlite3 unchecked
sre_compile unchecked
sre_constants incomplete missing annotations
sre_parse unchecked
ssl unchecked
stat incomplete missing annotations
statistics unchecked
string unchecked
stringprep unchecked
struct unchecked
subprocess incomplete missing annotations
sunau unchecked
symbol unchecked
symtable unchecked
sys unchecked
sysconfig unchecked
syslog unchecked
tabnanny unchecked
tarfile unchecked
telnetlib unchecked
tempfile unchecked
termios unchecked
test missing missing
textwrap unchecked
this missing
threading unchecked
time unchecked
timeit unchecked
tkinter incomplete missing annotations
tkinter.scrolledtext missing
tkinter.tix missing
tkinter.ttk incomplete missing annotations
token unchecked
tokenize unchecked
trace unchecked
traceback unchecked
tracemalloc unchecked
tty unchecked
turtle missing
types unchecked
typing incomplete missing annotations
unicodedata unchecked
unittest unchecked
unittest.mock unchecked
urllib unchecked
urllib.error incomplete. missing annotations
urllib.parse incomplete missing annotations
urllib.request incomplete missing annotations
urllib.response unchecked
urllib.robotparser unchecked
uu unchecked
uuid unchecked
venv missing
warnings unchecked
wave unchecked
weakref unchecked
webbrowser unchecked
winreg missing
winsound missing
wsgiref unchecked
xdrlib unchecked
xml 3.8 empty
xml.etree.ElementTree unchecked
xml.dom 3.8
xml.dom.minidom incomplete marked incomplete
xml.dom.pulldom incomplete marked incomplete
xml.parsers.expat 3.8
xml.sax incomplete missing annotations
xml.sax.handler incomplete missing annotations
xml.sax.saxutils incomplete missing annotations
xml.sax.xmlreader incomplete missing annotations
xmlrpc missing
xmlrpc.client missing
xmlrpc.server missing
zipapp unchecked
zipfile incomplete missing at least ZipExtFile
zipimport unchecked
zlib unchecked