Deploy MongoDB database. Check 'database' directory for instructions on how to deploy db.
Run the following on root directory.
npm install
npm run dev
Check 'database' directory for instructions on how to deploy db.
Following databases were created:
- mongodb://root:example@localhost:27017
- mongodb://admin:password@localhost:27017/mernapp
Goal APIs:
- [GET] http://localhost:5000/goals
- [POST] http://localhost:5000/goals
- [PUT] http://localhost:5000/goals/:id
- [DELETE] http://localhost:5000/goals/:id
Updated routes to require Bearer token to be used.
User APIs:
- [POST] http://localhost:5000/users : Registers the user to MongoDB.
- [POST] http://localhost:5000/users/login : Logs in the user, and generates a bearer token for authentication.
- [GET] http://localhost:5000/users/me : Returns details about the user logged in.
Added the following frontend ReactJS pages.
- http://localhost:3000 : Dashboard
- http://localhost:3000/register : Navigates to the register form
- http://localhost:3000/login : Navigates to the login form
Fixed the following URL functionality
- http://localhost:3000 : Added goal form, and restricted access if user is not logged in