- Fixes an issue with iOS invocation events causing the welcome message not to show.
- Adds support for the Azerbaijani locale
- Adds support for the Enable/Disable APIs on Android
- Bumps Instabug iOS SDK to v9.1.7
- Bumps Instabug Android SDK to v9.1.8
- Added CrashReporting
- Added setShakingThresholdForiPhone, setShakingThresholdForiPad and setShakingThresholdForAndroid APIs
- Added Proguard rules to protect Flutter bridge class and method names from getting obfuscated when the minifyEnabled flag is set to true.
- Bump Native SDKs to v9.1
- Bump iOS Native SDK to v9.0.6
- Bump Native SDKs to v9.0.5
- Added enum
which maps toInstabugCustomTextPlaceHolder.Key.REPORT_QUESTION
on Android andkIBGAskAQuestionStringName
on iOS
- Updated native SDKs to v9.0
- Updates native SDK dependencies to 8.7
- Updates native SDK dependencies to 8.6.3
- Updates native SDK dependencies to 8.6.2
- Bumps version to 8.6 to be in sync with other platforms.
- Updates native SDK dependencies to 8.6.1.
the old package instabug
is deprecated
- Adds Network logging feature for the dart:io package HttpClient.
- Fixes a linker issue on iOS when using Swift and CocoaPods.
- Bumps native iOS and Android dependencies to version 8.5.
- Fixes crash on Android on launching the sample app.
enum name collision withdart.ui
library. UseIBGLocale
instead. -
Updates Native SDK's to version 8.4
- Bump native SDK's to version 8.3
- Fixes issue of manually invoking BugReporting
- Adds New Sample App
- Adds Replies Api mappings
- Adds Chats Api mappings
- Adds FeatureRequests Api mappings.
- Adds hasRespondedToSurvey API mapping.
- Adds showSurvey API mapping.
- Adds showSurveyIfAvailable API mapping.
- Adds setShouldShowWelcomeScreen API mapping.
- Adds setOnDismissCallback API mapping.
- Adds setOnShowCallback API mapping.
- Adds getAvailableSurveys API mapping.
- Adds setAutoShowingEnabled API mapping.
- Adds Surveys.setEnabled API mapping.
- Adds showWithOptions API mapping.
- Adds setInvocationOptions API mapping.
- Adds setExtendedBugReportMode API mapping.
- Adds setReportTypes API mapping.
- Adds setEnabledAttachmentTypes API mapping.
- Adds setInvocationEvents API mapping.
- Adds setOnDismissCallback API mapping.
- Adds setOnInvokeCallback API mapping.
- Adds BugReporting.setEnabled API mapping.
- Adds setWelcomeMessageMode API mapping.
- Adds addFileAttachmentWithURL, addFileAttachmentWithData, clearFileAttachments API mapping.
- Adds setUserData API mapping.
- Adds setPrimaryColor API mapping.
- Adds setSessionProfilerEnabled API mapping.
- Divides the library into separate modules: (
- Adds more API mappings.
Adds the following APIs:
- start(String token, List invocationEvents)
- showWelcomeMessageWithMode(WelcomeMessageMode welcomeMessageMode)