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File metadata and controls

272 lines (206 loc) · 12.9 KB

WoWs .pkg & .idx Format


The WoWs resources are packed into something similar to a .zip archive (WoTs and WoWPs actually use zip files).

Each archive is actually separated in two files:

  • a .pkg containing the compressed files concatenated together. This file is in the res_package/ directory.
  • a .idx containing the index of the files contained in the .pkg and their metadata (name, path, type, etc). This file is located in the ./bin/<build_number>/idx/ directory.


This documentation has been created through reverse engineering, consequently errors and inaccuracies are not unlikely.


A byte/8 bits is represented as follows:

| XX |

A variable length field (ex: strings) is represented as follows:

|           Field            |

The boundary between two fields is marked as follows:



Integers (offset and size in particular) are Big Endian.

Strings seems limited to ASCII and are \0 terminated.

Index file

General format

The index file is composed of 5 sections:

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ^
|           Header           | } index header (number of files, pointers to sections, etc)
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| v

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ^
|       File metadata 1      | |
|----------------------------| |
|           [...]            | } metadata section (pointer to name, type, etc)
|----------------------------| |
|      File metadata Nfd     | |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| v

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ^
|        File Name 1         | |
|----------------------------| |
|           [...]            | } file names (`\0` separated strings)
|----------------------------| |
|        File Name Nfd       | |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| v

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ^
|   File `.pkg` pointers 1   | |
|----------------------------| |
|           [...]            | }  pkg pointers section in the `.pkg` file (offsets)
|----------------------------| |
|   File `.pkg` pointers Nf  | |
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| v

|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ^
|           Footer           | } index footer (corresponding `.pkg` file name)
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| V



| MA | MA | MA | MA || 00 | 00 | 00 | 02 || ID | ID | ID | ID || 40 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
|<----- magic ----->||<--- endianess --->||<------- id ------>||<--- unknown_2 --->|
|     32 bits       ||      32 bits      ||     32 bits       ||      32 bits      |

| FD | FD | FD | FD || FO | FO | FO | FO || 01 | 00 | 00 | 00 || 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
|<- file_dir_count >||<-- file_count --->||<-------------- unknown_3 ------------->|
|     32 bits       ||      32 bits      ||                64 bits                 |

| HS | HS | HS | HS | HS | HS | HS | HS  ||  OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF |
|<------------- header_size ------------>||<------- offset_idx_data_section ------>|
|                64 bits                 ||             64 bits                    |

| OE | OE | OE | OE | OE | OE | OE | OE  |
|<----- offset_idx_footer_section ------>|
|               64 bits                  |

Field descriptions

Field size Description
magic 32 bits Magic bytes, always "ISFP"
endianess 32 bits Endianess marker, always 0x2000000 if LE
id 32 bits Unsure, unique per index file, not referenced anywhere else
unknown_2 32 bits Unknown, always 0x40, maybe some offset
file_dir_count 32 bits Number of files + directories (Nfd), also number of entries in the metadata section and the file names section
file_count 32 bits Number of files (Nf), also the number of entries in the file pkg pointers section
unknown_3 64 bits Unknown, always '1', maybe the number of .pkg file the index file references (the format hints that it might be supported, but it's not used)
header_size 64 bits Most likely the header size, always 40
offset_idx_data_section 64 bits Offset to the pkg data section, the offset is computed from file_plus_dir_count so 0x10 needs to be added
offset_idx_footer_section 64 bits Offset to the footer section, the offset is computed from file_plus_dir_count so 0x10 needs to be added

File metadata

This section is repeated for each file and directory (header->file_dir_count).


| NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS | NS  ||  OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF |
|<---------- file_name_size ------------>||<-------- offset_idx_file_name -------->|
|               64 bits                  ||              64 bits                   |

| UN | UN | UN | UN | UN | UN | UN | UN  ||  T2 | T2 | T2 | T2 | T2 | T2 | T2 | T2 |
|<----------------- id ----------------->||<------------- parent_id  ------------->|
|                64 bits                 ||                64 bits                 |


Field descriptions

Field Size Description
file_name_size 64 bits Size of the file name string
offset_idx_file_name 64 bits Offset from the start of the current metadata record to the start of the file name string
id 64 bits Unique ID of the metadata record
parent_id 64 bits ID of the potential parent record (in particular, a directory record)

File names section

This section is just \0 separated list of strings:


|             file name string         | 00 |

File ".pkg" pointers

This section is repeated for each file (header->file_count).


| UO | UO | UO | UO | UO | UO | UO | UO ||  UT | UT | UT | UT | UT | UT | UT | UT |
|<----------- metadata_id ------------->||<------------- footer_id -------------->|
|               64 bits                 ||                64 bits                 |

| OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF | OF || T1 | T1 | T1 | T1 || T2 | T2 | T2 | T2 |
|<--------- offset_pkg_data ----------->||<---- type_1 ----->||<----- type_2 ---->|
|               64 bits                 ||     32 bits       ||      32 bits      |

| OE | OE | OE | OE || ID | ID | ID | ID | ID | ID | ID | ID || 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
|<- size_pkg_data ->||<------------ id_pkg_data ------------>||<---- padding ---->|
|     32 bits       ||               64 bits                 ||      32 bits      |

Field descriptions

Field Size Description
metadata_id 64 bits ID of the corresponding metadata entry
footer_id 64 bits ID of the footer entry (only one entry possible in practice)
offset_pkg_data 64 bits Offset to the compressed data from the start of the .pkg file
type_1 32 bits Compression param 1 (0x0 for uncompressed, 0x5 for deflate)
type_2 32 bits Compression param 2 (0x0 for uncompressed, 0x1 for deflate)
size_pkg_data 32 bits Size of the compressed data section in the .pkg file
id_pkg_data 64 bits ID of the data section in the .pkg file
padding 32 bits Always 0x00000000



| UO | UO | UO | UO | UO | UO | UO | UO ||  U3 | U3 | U3 | U3 | U3 | U3 | U3 | U3 |
|<--------- pkg_file_name_size -------->||<-------------- unknown_7 ------------->|
|               64 bits                 ||                64 bits                 |

| UT | UT | UT | UT | UT | UT | UT | UT ||             pkg_file_name_string
|<----------------- id ----------------->|
|                64 bits                 |

Field descriptions

Field Size Description
pkg_file_name_size 64 bits Size of the corresponding .pkg file name string
unknown_7 64 bits unknown, looks like an ID
id 64 bits ID of the footer entry

PKG format

PKG Entry

The .pkg format is rather simple, it's bunch of concatenated compressed (RFC 1951/Deflate) or raw/uncompressed data blobs (one for each file) separated by an ID.


|                                                                                 |
|                   Compressed (RFC 1951/Deflate) or Raw Data                     |
|                                                                                 |
| 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 || XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 00 | 00 || 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 |
|<--- padding_1 --->||<---------------- id ----------------->||<--- padding_2 --->|
|     32 bits       ||               64 bits                 ||      32 bits      |


Field descriptions

Field Size Description
padding_1 32 bits Always 0x00000000
id_pkg_data 64 bits ID of the data blob
padding_2 32 bits Always 0x00000000