SLAcer.js (demo)
- Browse or drag/drop STL file.
- Mesh information: size, volume, cost, etc...
- Mesh transformation: scale, rotate.
- Live slicing in 2D/3D viewer.
- Speed mode (slicing only, no delay).
- Open 2D viewer in new window (popup).
- Configure slice height, speed, delays.
- Export slices as PNG (zipped folder).
- Configure build volume size (in or mm).
- Configure output images size and resolution.
- Configure resin price and density for cost calculation.
- Configure mesh and slice colors in 3D viewer.
- Persistent settings between session (local storage).
- Move and collapse sidebar panels.
- Network communication (SmoothieBoard).
- Serial communication (Chrome only).
- Export slices as SVG, DXF (zipped folder).
- Refactoring.