Portfolio webpage in Angular using .NET 7 WebAPI, SQL Server and Entity Framework. Also uses Angular Material, Bootstrap, LINQ, AutoMapper and FluentAPI. This website uses ASP.NET Identity and JWT in order to authorize an admin.
Add tile with a title, background image, link and description. All tiles will be visible in the Portfolio. You can add, edit and remove any tile.
Add tags to be used in Portfolio tiles. You can assign multiple tags to multiple tiles. You can add, edit and remove any tag.
This website supports both light and dark modes. Use switch at the top-right corner to switch between them. Your choice is remembered per browser.
All visitors will be tracked with their IP, last visit and the number of them stored in the database.
Please override appsettings.json by any mean (particularly using Azure App Settings). You should override "Jwt":"Key" (Jwt__Key in Azure notation) setting with any secure key and "DefaultConnection" connection string with a valid one. By default this app will use SQL Server Local Database. You can change these setting in the file, however it is not recommended due to security reasons.
This webpage comes with Swagger. It is enabled in debug mode. Visit /swagger/ subdirectory of the webpage in your browser to use it.
Please create the first user by using /api/users/firstrun endpoint. Check the schema in Swagger if you need. This endpoint will work only if there is no user in the database.