Chrono Vaults is a financial management and asset transfer system using predicates on Fuel.
You can create following vaults to manage your finances using Chrono Vaults:
- Spending Budget Vault
- Time Locked Vault
- Conditional Release Vault
- All Links
- Tech Stack
- High Level Architecture
- App Demo
- Future Vision
- Instructions to setup and run locally
- Team
- Fuel Testnet
- Fuel Typescript SDK (Front-end)
- Fuel Rust SDK (Sway Predictaes)
- Pyth Orcale (Price Feeds)
- Vite + React
- Support more assets beyond USDT for vaults, feature to create custom logic for vauts, use predicate accounts with agents to perform automated operations onchain, enhancements in UI for better user experience
- Continue builing and refining the product and launch the first version soon.
Follow these instructions to set up and run the project:
Using Github
- Clone the Git repository:
- Install project dependencies:
pnpm install
- Start the development server:
pnpm run dev
- Access the web app in your browser at http://localhost:5173
Team AlphaDevs 👇
Harsh Tyagi Yashasvi Chaudhary
Harsh Tyagi Yashasvi Chaudhary
Feel free to reach out to the AlphaDevs team with any questions or issues.
We appreciate your interest in our project and welcome contributions and feature suggestions.