was sourced from references [3] and [4].expanded-data.csv
was created fromraw-data.csv
- Unpack the ranking algorithm and make it more transparent.
- Normalise the data suitable for data science analysis.
- Identify the key factors that influence the ranking.
- Clean data for analysis, to further inform the review process.
- Increased transparency for the allocation process.
- [1] https://gov.optimism.io/t/cycle-22-final-grants-roundup/8086
- [2] Season 5 Cycle 22 Grants database, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wY_7P_m0AggVaZG1L_uh6k27iFODVcvMxc052jiXXE8/edit#gid=335563146
- [3]https://gov.optimism.io/t/grants-council-cycle-22-preliminary-review-roundup/8030
- [4] Prelim & Final Feedback, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14OKrK8BBoCxZ2ubebit9bZjQHd_J_JkgLMzxiQnNBCM/edit#gid=928489944