plot all the things in all the folders automatically but only if there have been changes
- save the plot's configuration/definition with the data (plot_info.json)
- pass-through to plotly
- scatter plot
- mode (markers or lines)
- marker_symbols
- constant lines
- error bars
- pio.template
- scatter plot
- auto-detect data files (xls, xlsx, csv only)
- supported data files: xls, xlsx, csv, txt
- only re-generate plots if data or plot_info has changed, (-f to force re-generate)
- pre-process
- post-process (max, min, avg)
- specify data_root using argument or current directory
- finds plot_info files at any depth in the folder tree
- validation plot_info.json using jsonschema
- sign exe and add to releases
- create better tests
- use folder/file name for default plot title
- Hierarchical plot_info based on folder structure
- yml support
- pkl data file support
- 3D plots
- plot_info linter
- download exe from releases (windows only)
- install as module in a python environment:
- SSH:
python -m pip install git+ssh://
python -m pip install
- SSH:
- from command line: plotme(.exe) -h to see arguments
- from file explorer:
- move to data directory or above
- run once to generate a template of the plot_info.json
- modify the template as needed
- run again to generate plot(s)
- optional_text_plot_info.json (specification must end in plot_info.json)
- clone
- Navigate into the folder or open the folder with your favorite python IDE
- create conda env
conda create -n plotme python=3.8
- activate env
conda activate plotme
- install as -e package
python -m pip install -e .
- Note the dot at the end, it's important
- follow Develop instructions
choco install visualstudio2019buildtools
(needed to compile orderedset)pip install nuitka orderedset zstandard
python -m nuitka plotme --onefile --standalone --enable-plugin=numpy --enable-plugin=anti-bloat --include-package=plotly --include-package-data=plotly --mingw
- follow Develop instructions
- Install packages to run automated tests
python -m pip install -e .[test]
- run tests