The code was written in the case of a data scientist hiring challenge.
@author: Aghiles Azzoug
The data (images + json descriptions) can be found on this GitHub repository (
link to the corresponding paper:
The executable code can be ran from the main.ipynb
Python 3.x with Torch 1.5.1+cu101 (GPU version) and all "classic" packages: numpy, matplotlib etc.
- Extracting ROI (TTC) bounding boxes from JSON files.
- Resizing all the images to 1296x864 resolution (the most common resolution in the dataset), and I transformed them to channel-first format (for PyTorch conveniance) and reduced the pixels to 0-1 scale.
- The model used is a Faster R-CNN with a ResNet-50 FPN backbone.
- I didn't use Cross-Validation to keep everything simple, I just trained on train data and validated on the test set.
- Some files are taken from Torchvision's GitHub repository (MS-Coco segmentation and prediction part).