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Easy and customizable Swift image slider with lazy loading images and full screen viewer


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📦 UISliderView

Easy and customizable Swift image slider with lazy loading images and full screen viewer

🛠 Installation


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

For integrate UISliderView into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '11.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'UISliderView', '~> 1.0.6'

Then, run the following terminal command in project directory:

$ pod install

Swift Package Manager

For use The Swift Package Manager you need add UISliderView dependency to Package.swift file:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "PROJECT_NAME",
  targets: [],
  dependencies: [
      .package(url: "", from: "1.0.6")

Then add UISliderView to your targets dependencies:

  name: "TARGET_NAME",
  dependencies: [

And run terminal command:

swift package update

Or use SPM in XCode 😊

💻 How to use

Simple usage

Import package in your file

import UISliderView

Set UISliderView class to custom class for empty view or create UISliderView class programmably.

@IBOutlet weak var sliderView: UISliderView!
// or
let sliderView = UISliderView()

Set list of image urls to sliderView and run reloadData() method for create/reload slides with images

sliderView.images = [
  URL(string: "")!,
  URL(string: "")!,
  URL(string: "")!,
  URL(string: "")!

It's done!

Available configurations

  • delegate: UISliderViewDelegate?. The object that acts as the delegate of the slider view. Notifies at main events.
  • viewController: UIViewController?. View controller for show full screen slider. Set this parameter to open slider in full screen.
  • images: [URL]. List of image urls for loading and showing in sliders.
  • imageContentMode: UIView.ContentMode = .scaleAspectFill. Image content mode for slide.
  • activityIndicatorColor: UIColor = .black. Activity indicator color (while the image is loading).
  • activityIndicatorStyle: UIActivityIndicatorView.Style?. /// Activity indicator style (while the image is loading).
  • pageIndicatorColor: UIColor?. Page indicator color.
  • pageCurrentIndicatorColor: UIColor?. Current page indicator color.
  • fullScreenImageContentMode: UIView.ContentMode = .scaleAspectFill. Image content mode for full screen slide.
  • fullScreenActivityIndicatorColor: UIColor = .white. Activity indicator color (while the image is loading) for full screen slide.
  • fullScreenActivityIndicatorStyle: UIActivityIndicatorView.Style?. /// Activity indicator style (while the image is loading) for full screen slide.
  • fullScreenBackButtonImage: UIImage?. Image for back button in full screen mode. Automatically hidden button if image not set.
  • isShowPageControl: Bool = true. Shows pageControl indicator.


  • reloadData(). Reloads slides by list of url images. Call this method after set list of urls to image parameter.


  • sliderView(_ sliderView: UISliderView, didChangeSlideAt index: Int). Tells the delegate that the slide did change.
  • sliderView(_ sliderView: UISliderView, didChangeFullScreenVisible isVisible: Bool). Tells the delegate that the full screen view did change visible state.

🚧 Requirements

  • Swift 5.0
  • XCode 10
  • iOS 11 or later

🖖 About Me

©️ License

UISliderView is released under the MIT license. In short, it's royalty-free but you must keep the copyright notice in your code or software distribution.


Easy and customizable Swift image slider with lazy loading images and full screen viewer







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