Documentation for
This documentation is being written using the Restructured Text(reST, .rst) format. To be hosted at with the theme sphinx_rtd.
To get started,
pip install sphinx sphinx-autobuild
to a directory where you want to clone this project.
git clone
Add images to be used in the directory: docs/source/_static/images/
The content of the document is in: docs/source/*.rst files
To edit a section go to the appropriately named .rst file and make the changes.
To add a new section add a new .rst file to the directory docs/source/ and add the name of the file to index.rst
index.rst keeps track of all the other files and is used to build the table of contents.
Make changes to to change the configuration with which the html or pdf are to be built.
To buld the html or pdf from the source files:
to the directory docs/
It should contain: source/ , Makefile, make.bat
make html
make latexpdf
pdf will be built only if you already have texlive installed natively on your system.
The build files can be found at
docs/build/html for html
docs/buld/latex for pdf
To view the html as if it is hosted, cd
into docs/build/html and do
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
A quick intro/cheat-sheet for reST:
A bit more elaborate and also has sphinx specific syntax:
Another sphinx reference:
reST Syntax Reminders:
.gitignore ignores the build directory.