Authors: Forrest Kim, Jens Luebeck, Ted Liefeld, Edwin Huang, Gino Prasad, Rohil Ahuja, Rishaan Kenkre, Tushar Agashe, Devika Torvi, Madalina Giurgiu, Thorin Tabor, Vineet Bafna
This is the main repository for the AmpliconRepository website. The documentation below provides intsructions on deploying the site locally, for development purposes.
- How to install the development environment for AmpliconRepository
- How to set up your development environment using docker compose
- Testing datasets
- Pushing changes to GitHub and merging PRs
- Using the development server
- Logging in as admin
- How to deploy and update the production server for AmpliconRepository
Option A: Manually install modules and configure the environment step-by-step.
Option B: Use Docker to deploy the server and its environment on your system.
- Python Virtual Environment (3.8 or higher)
- Clone repo using https, ssh, or GitHub Desktop to your local machine
- In a terminal window, move to the cloned GitHub repo
- Go to the AmpliconRepository top level directory (should see
- Create a new Python virtual environment:
python -m venv ampliconenv
- Activate the new environment (you need to do this everytime before running the server):
source ampliconenv/bin/activate
- Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a new Conda environment
conda create -n "ampliconenv" python>=3.8.0
- To activate
conda activate ampliconenv
- Install pip to that environment
conda install pip -n ampliconenv
- Install required packages
~/[anaconda3/miniconda3]/envs/ampliconenv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install MongoDB
In Ubuntu this can be done with
sudo apt install mongodb-server-core
- For newer versions of Ubuntu (e.g. 22.04+), follow the instructions here:
In macOS this can be done with
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community@6.0
If the package is not found you may need to follow the directions here.
- If you don't have a database location set up, set up a location:
mkdir -p ~/data/db/
- In a terminal window or tab with the
environment active, run MongoDB locally:
mongod --dbpath ~/data/db
ormongod --dbpath <DB_PATH>
- Download MongoDB Compass:
- Open the MongoDB Compass app after starting MongoDB locally
- Connect to your local instance of MongoDB:
- Relevant data will be located in
- You can periodically clear your local deployment mongodb files using Compass so that your disk does not fill up.
- Run
export DB_URI_SECRET='mongodb://localhost:27017'
in your terminal to set the environment variable for your local database.- So that this is active every time, you can add the command above to your
- So that this is active every time, you can add the command above to your
- Note that the latest version of Compass (1.34.2) won't work with our older DB version. You can get an old compass for mac at
Periodically, you will want to purge old or excessively large accumulated data from you DB. You can do this using the provided script
- Make sure you have the
file from another developer (this contains secret key information) - Run the command to initialize variables:
For local deployments, you will need to ensure that the following two variables are set to FALSE, as shown below
IMPORTANT: After recieving your
, please ensure you do not upload it to Github or make it available publicly anywhere.
- Open a terminal window or tab with the
environment active - Move to the
folder (should
) - Run the server locally:
python runserver
- Open the application on a web browser (recommend using a private/incognito window for faster development):
- Troublshooting tip: If you face an error that says port 8000 is already in use, you can kill all tasks using that port by doing
sudo fuser -k 8000/tcp
These steps guide users on how to set up their development environment using Docker and docker compose
as an alternative to python or conda-based package management and installation. This is the simplest way to locally deploy the server for new users.
Important: You first need to install docker>=20.10 on your machine.
To test the installation of Docker please do:
# check version: e.g. Docker version 20.10.8, build 3967b7d
docker --version
# check if compose module is present
docker compose --help
# check docker engine installation
sudo docker run hello-world
Build and run your development webserver and mongo db using docker:
cd AmpliconRepository
# place in caper/, and place .env in current dir
# change UID and GID in .env to match the host configuration
# create all folders which you want to expose to the container
mkdir -p logs tmp .aws .git
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build --no-cache --progress=plain
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
# then visit http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser
# once finished, to shutdown:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down
i. Start your docker daemon and make sure is running:
# for linux
sudo systemctl start docker
docker --help
docker compose --help
# or alternatively start manually from interface (macos or windows)
git clone
This command will create a Docker image genepattern/amplicon-repo:dev-test
with your environment, all dependencies and application code you need to run the webserver.
Additionally, this command will pull a mongo:4
image for the test database.
First, obtain the secret files .env
from another developer. Do not share these files with others outside the project. Do not upload them anywhere. Keep them private.
Next, Place .env
under AmpliconRepository/
under AmpliconRepository/caper/
You should see these required files:
cd AmpliconRepository
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml build --progress=plain --no-cache
This command will:
- create two containers, one for the webserver (
) and one for the mongo database (ampliconrepository_mongodb_1
) - will use
to configure all environment variables used by the webserver and mongodb - will start the webserver on
- will start a mongodb instance listening on port
- will mount a volume with your source code
-v ${PWD}:/srv/:rw
# create all folders exposed to container
mkdir -p logs tmp .aws .git
# start container using the host UID and GID (change in .env)
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d
#[+] Running 2/2
# ⠿ Container ampliconrepository-mongodb-1 Started 0.3s
# ⠿ Container amplicon-dev Started 1.1s
To check if your containers are running do:
docker ps
and you should see something like below:
# 311a560ec20a genepattern/amplicon-repo:dev "/bin/sh -c 'echo \"H…" 3 minutes ago Up About a minute>8000/tcp amplicon-dev
# deaa521621f1 mongo:4 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 days ago Up About a minute>27017/tcp ampliconrepository_mongodb_1
To view the site locally, visit http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser.
To stop the webserver and mongodb service:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml down
#[+] Running 3/2
# ⠿ Container amplicon-dev Removed 10.3s
# ⠿ Container ampliconrepository-mongodb-1 Removed 0.3s
# ⠿ Network ampliconrepository_default Removed 0.0s
Before you build your image you can check if the
is set correctly by doing:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml config
This command will show you the docker-compose-dev.yml
customized with your environment variables.
You can check the environment variables which your running container uses:
docker inspect -f \
'{{range $index, $value := .Config.Env}} {{$value}}{{println}}{{end}}' \
- Run
docker ps
and check if the port mapping is correct, i.e. you should see0.0.0.0:8000->8000
- Port mapping annotation for
docker run -p 8000:8000 ...
- For local development you need to use host port
to be able to use the Google Authentication in the App - Set
if you want to use another port on the host machine, then rebuild the docker image. - If you get the error
permission denied/read only database
please set the read-write permissions on your local machine to777
for the followingsudo chmod 777 logs/ tmp/ .aws/ caper/caper.sqlite3 -R
- If you have an older version of docker
docker compose
may not be available and you will need to installdocker-compose
and use that, replacingdocker compose
. - Error:
unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
-> see - If you need to run as a non-root user (rare), please set
in your.env
file to match the hostUID
, or run as so:env UID=${UID} GID=${GID} docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
- Make sure all folders which are mounted as volumes at runtime are created upfront (below for development):
cd AmpliconRepository; mkdir -p logs tmp .aws .git
- My local
instance is not running or you getampliconrepository-mongodb-1 exited with code 14
? Try docd AmpliconRepository; rm -rf data
and restart usingdocker-compose
These datasets are ready to upload to the site for testing purposes.
- Work on branches and open pull requests to merge changes into main.
- Please ensure that you do not commit
along with your other changes. - PR reviewers, please check that
is not among the changed files in a PR. - When merging a PR, please do the following steps:
- pull the branch in question and load in local deployment
- at minimum, test the following pages to see if everything looks right:
- home page
- CCLE project page
- load a random sample in CCLE
- Please see the wiki page on using the development server.
- Please see the wiki page on admin login.
The server is currently running on an EC2 instance through Docker. The ports active on HTTP and HTTPS through AWS Load Balancer. There are two main scripts to start and stop the server.
Note: While we provide a Dockerfile, local deployment of the site using the docker will only properly work on AWS. Local deployment should be done with a local install using the steps above.
- SSH into the EC2 instance (called
)- this requires a PEM key
- Go to project directory
cd /home/ubuntu/caper/
- Check to see if the Docker container is running
docker ps
(look for a container called amplicon)
- If it is not running, run the start script
- SSH into the EC2 instance (called
)- this requires a PEM key
- Go to project directory
cd /home/ubuntu/caper/
- Check to see if the Docker container is running
docker ps
(look for a container called amplicon)
- If it is running, run the stop script
- Clone repo using https, ssh, or GitHub Desktop to your local machine
- Make changes locally
- Push changes to the main branch of the repository
- Create a release on GitHub
- login to github and go to the releases page at
- Create a new release using a tag with the pattern v.._ e.g. v1.0.1_072523 for version 1.0.1 created July 15, 2023.
- This will create a tag on the contents of the repo at this moment
- a github action will update and commit the version.txt file with the date, tag, commit ID and person doing the release and apply the tag to the updated version.txt
- SSH into the EC2 instance (called
in us-east-1)- this requires a PEM key
- Go to project directory
cd /home/ubuntu/AmpliconRepository-prod/
source caper/
- Pull your changes from Github
git fetch
git pull
git checkout tags/<release tag in github>
- Restart the server