Building a speech recognizer by using cmu-sphinx for all language
Install python and perl.
After the install need to check by using the command in command prompt, the command is: for python = python -V for perl = perl -v
For latest sphinxbase,pocketsphinx and sphinxtrain, need visual studio 2012 or newer version of visual studio. Install vs studio.
We need to download sphinx from their site.
Now we need to extract them and rebuild them and build batch file.
we need to follow the documentation from cmu-sphinx.
we need notepad++ and cmder for showing other language.cmder actually optional.If your language supported normal command prompt then don't need it.
we need to change some settings in notepad++ and install TextFX plugin. For this part follow the video to understand how to use them.
Create the necessary file for building an acoustic model and language model or Grammer.
For language model, For grammer, #JSGF V1.0 ISO8859-5; grammar sample;
public = (শূন্য | এক | দুই | তিন | চার | পাঁচ | ছয় | সাত | আট | নয় );
Now recording the voice and convert them wav can use this site for convert audio file:
For generating training scripts, python ../sphinxtrain/scripts/sphinxtrain -t an4 setup and change an4 to your database name. Now configure some line in sphinx_train.cfg. for a small amount of data, change the number densities from $CFG_CD_TRAIN = 'no'; [165] $DEC_CFG_MODEL_NAME = "$CFG_EXPTNAME.ci_cont"; [242]
Now train the data, python ../sphinxtrain/scripts/sphinxtrain run
To change the codepage for the console only, do the following: 1. Start -> Run -> Regedit 2. Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\Autorun] 3. Change the value to chcp 65001
if there are any error you didnt know how to solve , just asked in cmu-sphinx comminuty.There are always helpful.