This is a simple live chat application implemented in C. It allows two users to communicate over a network using UDP sockets. The messages are encrypted using a basic XOR encryption for demonstration purposes. This may be updated and improved in the future.
Please note again that the encryption method (XOR) is for demonstration purposes only. It is not a secure encryption, and should not be used in production due to its weak security.
- main.c: The main program file. It initializes the network, creates threads for sending and receiving messages, and handles user input.
- include/crypto.h: Header file for the encryption functions.
- include/network.h: Header file for the network functions.
- src/crypto.c: Source file for the encryption functions.
- src/network.c: Source file for the network functions.
- Makefile: Makefile to compile the program.
To compile the application, use the provided Makefile. Run the following command in the terminal:
This will generate an executable named main.
Run the executable and follow the prompts to enter the IP address and port number of the other user you want to chat with.
You will be prompted to enter the IP address and the port number:
Enter the IP you want to chat with:
Enter the network port:
Any port from 0 to 65535 can be used, but to avoid conflicts, it is recommended to use a port higher than 1023 to avoid "well-known ports", and if possible also higher than 49152 to avoid "registered ports".
To remove the compiled files, run:
make clean
To remove all generated files including the executable, run:
make cleanall