A facial recognition program controlled by QR codes produced from iOS shortcuts (linked below).
On the iOS side, the shortcuts encode a string with a hashed password, time and data required to reform the command. When a code is read by the program, it checks that the password is correct and the time stamp is within the last 15 seconds. The encoded data is then parsed and passed to the program.
- Add user (allows to specify authorization)
- Change Name
- Change Authorization
- Pause/Resume Laser Mode (see below)
By default, no one is recognized and laser mode is enabled. The red box signifies that the person is not authorized, and laser mode is
shown by the red line from the center of the screen to the right eye.
Laser mode was designed to work with an accompanying project to implement this software as a security system that points a laser in the eye of an entruder
A user is added by presenting the QR code with the face in the same frame.
Another command can be given to change the authorization of a known person. Here, laser mode is enabled.
When laser mode is pasued, the program does not attempt to locate the eye of those not authorized.