This is a support repository for our video tutorials, which you can find on our YouTube channel.
Almost all our tutorials start by installing software with mamba
Shows how to use NGLess and SemiBin to build MAGs from a metagenome.
Available in 4 languages.
How to retrieve MAGs from the GMGCv1 (Global Microbial Gene Catalog, version 1) dataset.
How to run macrel on a metagenome.
Shows how to use NGLess and SemiBin to build MAGs using multiple metagenomes. This likely makes the most sense if you've seen the first tutorial.
Motivated by a subscriber question about GMGCv1, this is actually a general question about using pandas and Python to deal with very huge tables.
Another subscriber question about GMGCv1, namely how to get amino acid versions of the subcatalogs. We only provide nucleotide versions for disk space reasons, but it's pretty easy to generate amino acid ones and here we show how.
All the unigenes in GMGCv1 come with eggnog-mapper annotations. Here, we show how to retrieve them.
What is argNorm and how to use it?