Welcome to the GeoJSON baker for TTMP information! This project was designed to "bake"/embed information regarding the general election members of parliament. As future elections occur, there is a need to produce this GeoJSON file with all of the information included. Initially designed as a utility tool for SpotDPothole Frontend.
The following features have been implemented:
- Automatic downloading of general election map.
- Automatic gathering of general election constituency leaders.
- Automatic compression of map to desired file-size using precision.
- Automatic baking of constituency leaders into election map.
- Can be configured as a script, module, or executed via the command line.
The application can be initialized and configured as a script as follows:
(Optional) Create a virtual environment for the project and activate it.
$ python -m venv "venv"
$ venv/Scripts/Activate.bat
Install the requirements for the application using pip3.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Place your input GeoJSON file into the directory and rename it to "mapIn.geojson" OR edit the constructor within main.py to include the URL to the geojson file using the optional 'geojson_url' argument.
Optionally, include a precision value using the constructor within main.py. Run the baker using the following command:
$ python main.py
Make use of your new baked GeoJSON file, "mapOut.geojson"!
The application can be initialized and configured as a module for an existing project as follows:
Install the requirements for the application using pip3.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Place your input GeoJSON file into the directory and rename it to "mapIn.geojson" OR edit the constructor within main.py to include the URL to the geojson file using the optional 'geojson_url' argument.
Import and configure the wsbaker as follows:
#Step 1: Import
from wsbaker import wsbaker
#Step 2: Configure using wsbaker(inputFileLocation.geojson, outputFileLocation.geojson, scrape_url, geojson_url, compress)
#GeoJSON data stored as JSON data can also be entered.
#Compression acts like precision and ranges from 1 to 100 with 100 being uncompressed.
wb = wsbaker("input.geojson", "output.geojson", "https://scrapablewebsite.com", "https://ebctt.com/pathtomap.json", 2.5)
#Step 3: Run
Make use of your new baked GeoJSON file, "mapOut.geojson"!
The application can be initialized and configured via the command line as follows:
Navigate to the directory of the project.
Open a terminal within the same directory and install the requirements for the application using pip3.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Place your input GeoJSON file into the directory and rename it to "mapIn.geojson"
Using a terminal within the project directory, run the following command customized for your project:
#For an already downloaded GeoJSON file and using the default/tested scrapable website:
$ python wsbaker "input.geojson" "output.geojson"
#To reduce the final size of the map at the cost of precision, use the optional --compress argument:
$ python wsbaker "input.geojson" "output.geojson" --compress 5
#For a JSON file that is located on a website:
$ python wsbaker "input.geojson" "output.geojson" --json "https://ebctt.com/pathtomap.json"
#For another endpoint that can be used to scrape the data. This WILL require modification to the scraper function of the wsbaker class.
$ python wsbaker "input.geojson" "output.geojson" --url "https://website.com/electiondata.html"
Make use of your new baked GeoJSON file, "output.geojson"!
The following show the differences in the stucture of the GeoJSON file to reflect the addition of the MP information.
- Python 3.12 - Python as main programming language.
- EBC Constituency Map Overlay - Used as the GeoJSON file for elections.
- Selenium Web Driver - Selenium used for web-browser automating.
- Picong Party Election - Picong Party for MP Data.