This is a simple C parser script I wrote for a university project (Principles of Compiler Design course). and are separate and do not depend on each other. A simplified version of is used in
Scanner does the lexical analysis(using regular expressions) and Parser does the syntax analysis.
The simple C grammar along with FIRST and FOLLOW sets and parse table are in the documents
directory. The LL(1) C grammar is the LL(1) version of Simple C grammar you get after left factoring and left recursion removal.
Text::SimpleTable module is required for drawing symbol table and output of parser. You can install it with cpanminus:
sudo cpanm Text::SimpleTable
Perl scripts should be marked as executable. You can achieve this with the following command:
chmod +x
Scanning C source code:
./ [file_name]
Parsing C source code:
./ [-s] [file_name]
option tells the script to print the symbol table.
If you want to type the C code directly, don't enter the file name. When you finished entering C code, hit Ctrl-D.
If you can't see the whole output in the terminal, pipe it to less
./ [-s] [file_name] | less
Here is some dummy code to show you what can be parsed and scanned:
For scanner:
/* Multi-line
comment */
int main() {
int i = 2.56e+2;
// Comment
char ch = 'a';
return 0;
For parser:
main() {
int a[10];
int i;
int j;
i = 4;
if(j<10) {
j = j - 1;
return 0;