1- create a ros package. Here baxter_srv is the package name
roscreate-pkg baxter_srv std_msgs rospy roscpp baxter_interface sensor_msgs
rosmake baxter_srv
adjust your CMakeLists.txt file you have to uncomment rosbuild_genmsg() and rosbuild_gensrv()
2-add srv file:
sensor_msgs/Image last_image
Right_hand_camera.py is the serive which should be running constantly and it gets the image from baxter' right-hand camera.
To get the last image you should:
self.rightHandCamera = rospy.ServiceProxy('last_image', ImageSrv)
request = self.rightHandCamera()
imgmsg = request.last_image
An example to use this service is baxter.py in MIDCA/examples in Baxter branch
Getting help from this link: http://nildo.github.io/organizer-baxter/