Download node.js and make sure to download the npm packages necessary to work download truffle
You'll also download ganache which is a UI representation of what you actully do on your local blockchain.
Lastly, you'll download the Metamask extension from your browser.
This application allows users to rent cars from a decentralized car rental platform. It leverages blockchain technology and smart contracts to manage car rental transactions securely and transparently.
Car Listing: Users can view a list of available cars for rent, including details such as the car model, price per day, and rental status.
Renting Cars: Users can rent cars by specifying the number of days they want to rent and making the appropriate payment using cryptocurrency.
Returning Cars: Once a user has finished renting a car, they can return it through the application.
Adding Cars: Owners of the rental platform can add new cars to the platform, specifying details such as the car model and price per day.
The application connects to the Ethereum blockchain using MetaMask, allowing users to interact with the smart contract deployed on the blockchain.
Smart contracts handle the logic for adding, renting, and returning cars. They ensure that transactions are executed securely and that rental agreements are enforced transparently.
Users can browse the list of available cars, rent a car by specifying the rental duration, and return the car once the rental period is over.
Owners of the rental platform have special permissions to add new cars to the platform and manage existing listings.
To run the application locally, ensure you have MetaMask installed in your browser and connect it to the Ethereum test network (e.g., Rinkeby). Then, clone the repository, install dependencies, and start the development server.