A multiplayer co-op RPG game developed in a team of 22 persons during a game development summer school.
Personal contributions:
- Management: meetings, progress presentations, setting objectives, team management, announcements, documents management
- Sounds: added sounds to different parts of the game, eg: character selection music, background sound, buttons sounds and sound scripts created in C# to allow continuity between music and other features
- Game map: developed a big part of the game map, from creating the concept and areas to implementing them in Unity
- Game design document: collaborated with the design team in creating the GDD
- Presentations to the teachers and to all the participants of the summer school of our game
- Testing & bug issuing
Presentation: https://opreaolivia73.wixsite.com/rpgeeks3
It is required that you have git LFS installed.
git clone https://github.com/ClaudiuChelcea/Forgotten-Tales-RPG
cd curly-burly
git submodule update --init --recursive
Create your own branch, chose a name descriptive for your work.
git checkout -b <insert_branch_name>
When you reach a stable behaviour commit your changes and open a Pull Request.
git add *
git status # double check everything is fine
git commit -a -m "<your_message_here>"
git push origin <insert_branch_name>
!note: Your message should be short but self-explenatory.
You might thing of that as the answer to:
Q: "What will this commit do?"
A: "Add feature_x and solve bug_y"
!note2: Your commits should be also short, make your reviewers life easy and he might do the same.