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Advanced CSV Connector - C&M

Advanced CSV Connector is an extension of classic Akeneo CSV Connector. It allows to customize columns mapping on import or export.

Made with 💙 by C&M


Bundle version Akeneo version
v7.0.* v7.0.*
v6.0.* v6.0.*
v5.0.* v5.0.*
v1.8.* v4.0.*
v1.7.* v3.2.* (EE)
v1.6.* v3.1.* / v3.2.*
v1.5.* v3.1.* / v3.2.*
v1.4.* v2.3.*
v1.3.* v2.1.*


You can use php-lua package to update your values dynamically during import or export. For LUA scripts available functions and libraries have been limited for security reasons. You can use:

  • string
  • math
  • ipairs
  • load
  • next
  • pairs
  • rawequal
  • rawgetwget
  • rawlen
  • rawset
  • select
  • tonumber
  • tostring
  • type

This package is not a requirement. A classic PHP method can also be used.


Download the Bundle

Update your composer.json file to use our fork of Custom entity bundle in repositories node:

"repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

And add our bundle:

$ composer require "clickandmortar/advanced-csv-connector-bundle":"<version-wanted>.*"

Example for last version:

$ composer require "clickandmortar/advanced-csv-connector-bundle":"7.0.*"

Enable the Bundle

Enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:


return [
    // ...
    Pim\Bundle\CustomEntityBundle\PimCustomEntityBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    ClickAndMortar\AdvancedCsvConnectorBundle\ClickAndMortarAdvancedCsvConnectorBundle::class => ['all' => true]

Update your config/routes/routes.yml file:

        prefix: /reference-data
        resource: "@PimCustomEntityBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix: /candm-advanced-csv-connector
    resource: "@ClickAndMortarAdvancedCsvConnectorBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

And finally clear cache and update database:

rm -rf var/cache/*
php bin/console --env=prod pim:installer:assets --symlink --clean
yarn run webpack
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force



To create a new import mapping, go to Référenciel / Mappings d'import and click on Create top right button. You can add as many mapping lines as you want by clicking on Ajouter une ligne.

Some explanations for table columns:

  • Attribut (mandatory): Attribute code in your Akeneo project (you can use suffixes like -fr_FR or -EUR for locales, channels, currencies, ...)
  • Nom de la colonne (mandatory): Column name in your file to import
  • Transformation: LUA script name or PHP method name to update value after mapping. Example: Uppercase, lowercase, ... (you can create a new LUA script under Référenciel / Scripts LUA).
  • Valeur par défaut: Default value for attribute if empty data in file
  • Identifiant (mandatory): Used to defined main identifier attribute of product
  • Uniquement à la création: Set attribute value only if product is new (checked with identifier attribute)
  • Effacer si null: Remove key from item mapping if value is null
  • Supprimer: Click on this cell to delete mapping line

Once mapping is saved, go to Imports part and create a new job with type Import des produits avancé (CSV). After job creation, go to edition mode and update Mapping parameter in global parameters tab.


To create a new export mapping, go to Référenciel / Mappings d'export and click on Create top right button. You can add as many mapping lines as you want by clicking on Ajouter une ligne.

Some explanations for table columns:

  • Attribut (mandatory): Attribute code in your Akeneo project (you can use suffixes like -fr_FR or -EUR for locales, channels, currencies, ...)
  • Nom de la colonne (mandatory): Column name in your file to export
  • Valeur forcée: Force a value (erase given attribute value from Akeneo)
  • Transformation: LUA script name or PHP method name to update value after mapping. Example: Uppercase, lowercase, ... (you can create a new LUA script under Référenciel / Scripts LUA)
  • Utiliser le libellé: Boolean to get the label associated to the code given (for attribute options or custom entities)
  • Langue: Select a specific locale for the label to export (linked to Utiliser le libellé column)
  • Longueur max.: Integer use to shorten attribute value if necessary
  • Valeur par défaut: Default value for column if empty attribute value
  • Supprimer: Click on this cell to delete mapping line

Once mapping is saved, go to Exports part and create a new job with type Export des produits avancé (CSV). After job creation, go to edition mode and update Mapping parameter in global parameters tab.