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Transfer Instructions

Oded Leiba edited this page Nov 13, 2016 · 6 revisions

The new colored coins protocol defines a mini scripting language to efficiently encode the flow of assets from inputs to outputs. Each Transfers instruction is built out of 5 pieces of data (3 booleans and two integers):

Transfer Instructions

Command Type Memory Meaning
Skip Boolean 1 bit 0 => Stay on input after processing
1 => skip to next input after processing
Range * Boolean 1 bit 0 => Output size is 5 bits and understood literally
1 => Output size is 13 bits and understood as specifying a range
Percent Boolean 1 bit 0 => Amount is understood literally
1 => Amount is understood as percent (1 byte)
Output * Integer 5 bits (Range=0)
13 bits (Range=1)
Specific Output index between 0..31
(Range=1) Range of outputs between index 0 and the specified index (maximum 8191)
Amount Integer [1-7](Number Encoding) bytes (Percent=0)
1 Byte (Percent=1)
Number of units to be transferred
Percent of units to be transferred
* In a Burn transaction case: Range = 0 and Output = 31 are interpreted as a burn instruction.


Decides whether the next instruction will be processed against that same input (skip = 0) or against the next input (skip = 1).


Decides whether the Output integer specifies the actual index of an output or the maximal index in a range of outputs (starting from index 0) as the target for the transfer instruction.

* Not yet supported in current version (0x02)


Decides whether the Amount integer should be understood as a number of units to be transferred (percent = 0) or as a percent of existing units to be transferred (percent = 1).

* Not yet supported in current version (0x02)


Specify the target output (or range of outputs) of the transfer.

  • Range = 0: Make the transfer to the output of the specified index. Uses 5 bits, thus allowing to specify any output index between 0 and 31.
  • Range = 1: Make the same transfer to all outputs up to the specified index. Uses 13 bits, thus allowing to specify output ranges as big as 0-8191. Useful for Mass activities such as a sending a Christmas present coupon to all the employees in a company.


Specifies the amount of units (or percentage of units if percent = 1) to be transferred.

  • Percent = 0: Amount is a signed integer encoded in our [precision encoding scheme](Number Encoding) and requiring 1-7 bytes of memory, depending on the number.
  • Percent = 1: The integer represents percents (with some precision after the decimal point).

Note on Memory Consumption

Note that the total memory requirement for encoding the Skip+Range+Percent+Output of each transfer instruction is exactly 1 or 2 bytes (depending on whether Range is 0 or 1). Therefore, each transfer instruction requires between 2 to 9 bytes, depending on the Amount.

Transfer Rules

The rules by which the colored coins software transfers assets between inputs and outputs when parsing transfer instructions are as follows:

  • Begin with the first asset of the first input in the transaction (order is determined recursively)

  • Transfer Instruction validation rules:

    • The currently processed input must be an existing index.
    • Output must indicate an existing index (irrelevant in burn case).
    • Amount must not exceed the amount of the currently processed asset, unless: the asset is aggregatable, a next asset with the same asset ID exists and with such amount which can satisfy the remaining instruction amount.
    • In case of an invalid transfer instruction, all assets are sent to the last output.
  • Range

    • 0 move the specified amount of the currently processed asset to the output in the index specified in Output. The maximal index is 31.
    • 1 move the specified amount of the currently processed asset to all outputs in the range of indices from 0 all the way to the index specified in Output. The maximal index is 8191.
  • Burn

    • Parsing a Burn transaction (indicated by using a burn OP_CODE as part of the [coloring scheme](Coloring Scheme)): Range = 0 and Output = 31 (together) are interpreted as a burn instruction.
      In that case - the specified amount is reduced from the processed asset and is not sent to any output.
  • All assets with remaining amounts are automatically transferred to the last output.

Bitcoin requirements

  • A minimal dust amount in real satoshis is sent to each output for validity
  • A transaction fee is left for miners to finance the processing of the transaction


  • We have 3 assets of types A, B, C
  • The first input in our transaction has 10 units of asset A and 12 units of asset B
  • The second input has 100 units of asset C

The following chain of instructions

 0 0 0 0 3    0 0 0 1 7    0 0 1 1 50    1 0 0 2 3    0 1 0 49 2


  1. 0 0 0 0 3 Transfer 3 units of asset A from the first input to the first output (index 0). Stay on first input.
  2. 0 0 0 1 7 Transfer the remaining 7 units of asset A from the first input to the second output (index 1). Stay on first input.
  3. 0 0 1 1 50 Transfer 6 units of asset B to second output. 6 units because 6 is 50% of 12 and we are now processing asset B because the previous instructions exhausted asset A in the first input. Stay on first input.
  4. 1 0 0 2 3 Transfer 3 more units of asset B to the third output (index 2). Skip to second input.
  5. 0 1 0 49 2 Transfer 2 units of asset C from the second input to each output, starting from the first output all the way to the 50th output (index 49).
  6. 3 units of asset B are implicitly transferred to the last output, since it had 12 units and only 9 were transferred explicitly.