A social media network you own, using contact cards to help users find, verify and follow each other. Statusapp is zero-knowledge, which means the server never knows what's being sent to it. Statusapp is built with Crypton.
StatusApp is proof that zero-knowledge social media is feasible, and designed to be a simple example of Crypton in action. We've minimised our dependencies to try to make it as accessible as possible. StatusApp uses Cordova and the almost-ubiquitious jQuery for its interface, with the Crypton JS library handling the crypto.
You'll need a few things to get going:
- Download Xcode or Command Line Tools, and install.
- Install Node.js, either through the official install packages, or via a package installer (eg Homebrew),
- Once #1 and #2 are installed, get [Cordova](
cordova link) set up by opening your terminal and typingnpm install -g cordova
. - Install the rest of the node dependencies:
npm install -g cordova-icon cordova-splash ios-sim
. - Clone (or fork) this repo,
You'll need to install plugins before you start.
- com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner
- org.apache.cordova.geolocation
- com.telerik.plugins.wkwebview:
cordova plugin add https://github.com/Telerik-Verified-Plugins/WKWebView#0.6.0
- nl.x-services.plugins.socialsharing
- org.apache.cordova.statusbar
- org.apache.cordova.camera
- org.devgeeks.privacyscreen
- org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser
- org.apache.cordova.device
- com.crypho.plugins.securestorage
- nl.x-services.plugins.actionsheet
- org.apache.cordova.statusbar
- org.pbernasconi.progressindicator
- cordova-plugin-touchid
- cordova-plugin-whitelist
- cordova-plugin-webserver
- org.apache.cordova.dialogs
- (Android Only) net.yoik.cordova.plugins.screenorientation.wkwebview
To get StatusApp running:
- Add a platform to your build –
cordova platform add ios
orcordova platform add android
. - Run
cordova prepare
- Run StatusApp with
cordova run --[emulator/device] [ios/android]
. - If you want to deploy on device, take a look at the Cordova documentation.
If you want to build icons and splash screens, use cordova-icon
and cordova-splash
commands before you run statusapp.
To complete.
ddahl to complete.
StatusApp is built by {github users} @daviddahl, @helveticade, @BennyOak, @devgeeks and others