Interactive Wordle-like demo showcasing the resulting strategies from the paper 'Playing Wordle with Uppaal Stratego' by Peter G. Jensen, Kim G. Larsen, and Marius Mikučionis.
Stack is Svelte + Vite, using generated strategies from repeatability package.
- Get strategy-driver working; user needs to be able to pick top N best words given the current knowledge for each strategy.
- Game UI
- Versus mode: Human plays concurrently against chosen strategy, only revealing strategy-move after human move. Upon completion, show compared performance by human and strategy.
- Cheatmode: Further sort Q-value best moves by simulating each move against Game and sorting them by largest knowledge gained (minimising summed response e.g. response 00022=4 > 00111=3, here 00111 is perhaps better, but doesn't reveal placement)
- Generate more robust strategies for production.
- (Maybe) Add backend, allowing staff to pick moves, step back, forwards to demo specific features from separate device.
SvelteKit is not needed. Just run the following commands in the WordAAL-svelte/
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
Then copy the contents of WordAAL-svelte/dist/
to your web-server.
For webserver, you might need to remove leading slash from dist/index.html
sources due to configured Apache rewrite rules.
<script type="module" crossorigin src="/assets/index-0c1789d2.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/index-a39a2349.css">