This module provides ResourceSync capabilities for DSpace, supporting the metadata harvesting use case. It is based on the original work from Richard Jones of CottageLabs. 4Science has used fund from OpenAIRE to update, extend and improve it, see
Please note this is the version for DSpace 5, check these other branches for a version compatible with DSpace 6 and DSpace 7
This module depends on a generic ResourceSync Java library, which you will need to install before you can build the code
The software can be compiled with simply
mvn clean package
This will generate the webapp (WAR) file, and a JAR file containing all the classes.
To deploy this in DSpace, you should install the code into your local maven repository with
mvn install
and then update your dspace pom.xml file to depend on this module, with a dependency like:
When you compile DSpace this will include all the relevant dependencies into the lib directories.
You can then deploy the dspace-resourcesync webapp in tomcat alongside your DSpace webapps.
You must also deploy the resourcesync.cfg file into the DSpace config/modules directory.
In order to provide the ResourceSync documents via the webapp, you need to generate the documents.
./dspace dsrun org.dspace.resourcesync.ResourceSyncGenerator -i
This will generate a new Change List every time it is run, and make it available via the Change List Archive. It is best to run this as a cron job, at a frequency suitable to the rate of change of the content in your repository (for example, once a week).
./dspace dsrun org.dspace.resourcesync.ResourceSyncGenerator -u
This will generate an up-to-date Resource List and a new Change List every time it is run. It is best to run this as a cron job at a longer frequency suitable to the rate of change of the content in your repository (for example, once a month)
Configuration can be found in dspace/config/modules/resourcesync.cfg
Key configuration values to pay attention to:
expose-bundles = ORIGINAL
If you have other item bundles that you want to expose, add them here. To disable the sharing of bitstreams, remove this configuration value.
metadata.formats = \
qdc =
metadata.types = \
qdc = application/xml
This allows us to determine the formats that metadata items will be exposed using. The key (in the example, "qdc") should map to the "name" of a named plugin in the DSpace configuration; the default value here maps to the OAIDCCrosswalkDisseminator, and thus produces metadata identical to that produced by the OAI-PMH webapp.
changelist.include-restricted = false
This allows us to expose archived items which are not publicly accessible (i.e. that require access control). It is strongly advised to leave this set to "false", as otherwise consumers of your ResourceSync data will need to know that they need to authenticate, and to have user accounts.
capabilitylist.described-by = ${dspace.baseUrl}/dspace-resourcesync/about.txt
This points to a web page that has a human-readable description of the service provided by the repository. You may replace this with any other web-page that suits you.