The DappFund.sol
project is a Solidity-written Ethereum smart contract that serves as the backbone of a decentralized application (dApp) for charity purposes. It leverages the OpenZeppelin library to ensure secure and standardized development of the contract.
The contract is designed around two primary structures: CharityStruct and SupportStruct, representing a charity and a supporter, respectively.
- createCharity: Allows a user to create a new charity.
- updateCharity: Allows the charity owner to update the details of an existing charity.
- deleteCharity: Allows the charity owner or contract owner to delete a charity.
- toggleBan: Allows the contract owner to ban or unban a charity.
- donate: Allows a user to donate to a charity.
- changeTax: Allows the contract owner to change the tax percentage.
- getCharity: Returns a single charity by its ID.
- getCharities: Returns all existing charities.
- getMyCharities: Returns all charities created by the caller.
- getSupports: Returns all supporters for a specific charity.
Supply the following keys in your .env
: Get Key Here
: Get Key Here
Follow these steps to run the application:
- Install the package modules by running the command:
yarn install
- Start the Hardhat server:
yarn blockchain
- Run the contract deployment script:
yarn deploy
- Run the contract seeding script:
yarn seed
- Spin up the Next.js development server:
yarn dev
Now, your application should be up and running.
- 🌐 Next.js: A React framework for building server-side rendered and static websites.
- 📘 TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript.
- 📦 Hardhat: A development environment for Ethereum smart contracts.
- 🌐 EthersJs: A library for interacting with Ethereum and Ethereum-like blockchains.
- 📚 Redux-Toolkit: A library for managing application state.
- 🎨 Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework.
- 🌈 @rainbow-me/rainbowkit-siwe-next-auth: A library for authentication in Ethereum dApps.
- 📝 React-Toastify: A library for adding toast notifications to your React application.
- 📜 Swiper: A modern mobile touch slider.
- 📚 Wagmi: A library for building Ethereum dApps.