connect system
Then enter password
create user saeed identified by saeed;
create user user_name identified by password;
grant all privileges to saeed;
disconnect connect saeed;
Then enter password
clear screen
prompt your message;
start C:\Users\User\Documents\Codes\SQL\ScheduleManagement\ddl.sql
start path/filename.sql;
show linesize set linesize 100
show pagesize set pagesize 50
select table_name from user_tables;
show user
describe test;
describe table_name;
create table test( id varchar(20), primary key(id) );
drop table test;
drop table table_name;
drop table test CASCADE constraint;
alter table test add address varchar(20);
alter table table_name add column_name type;
alter table test rename column address to user_name;
alter table table_name rename column old_col to new_col;
alter table test modify user_name varchar(50);
alter table table_name modify column_name type;
alter table test drop column user_name;
alter table table_name drop column column_name;
drop table notification;
drop table time_schedule;
drop table day_schedule;
drop table user_table;
-- on server
create table user_table(
user_id varchar(50) primary key,
name varchar(30),
email varchar(30) not null,
password varchar(20) not null
-- on user side
create table day_schedule(
event_date varchar(10) primary key,
time_in_day integer not null,
day varchar(10),
uploader varchar(30),
upload_time varchar(20),
user_id varchar(50),
foreign key(user_id) references user_table(user_id)
-- on user side
create table time_schedule(
ts_midnight integer,
timestamp_utc integer,
message_time varchar(20),
message varchar(50), --change to 200 later
upload_time varchar(20),
is_completed integer,
event_date varchar(10),
foreign key(event_date) references day_schedule(event_date),
primary key(timestamp_utc),
CONSTRAINT check_mid_utc CHECK (
is_completed in(0,1) and
( timestamp_utc > 0 ) and
( ts_midnight > 0 )
-- on server
create table notification(
timestamp_utc integer CHECK (timestamp_utc > 0),
user_id varchar(50),
message_new varchar(50), --change to 200 later
message_time varchar(20),
is_completed integer CHECK (is_completed IN (0,1)),
foreign key(user_id) references user_table(user_id),
foreign key(timestamp_utc) references time_schedule(timestamp_utc)
on delete cascade,
primary key(user_id,timestamp_utc)
insert into user_table(user_id,name,email,password) values('JWP8311UP3fXZn39o3JPCwlKd6q2','Abu Saeed','saeed1907057@stud.kuet.ac.bd','abusaeed'); insert into user_table values('vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2','Saeed','abusaeed2433@gmail.com','saeed'); insert into user_table values('a2E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2','Saeed','abu123@gmail.com','Abu'); insert into user_table values('b11E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq3','John','john101@gmail.com','John'); insert into user_table values('c12E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq4','Mary','mary101@gmail.com','Mary'); insert into user_table values('d13E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq5','Peter','peter101@gmail.com','Peter'); insert into user_table values('e14E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq6','Susan','susan101@gmail.com','Susan'); insert into user_table values('vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq1','David','david101@gmail.com','David'); insert into user_table values('g16E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq8','Michael','michael101@gmail.com','Michael'); insert into user_table values('vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq4','Sarah','sarah101@gmail.com','Sarah'); insert into user_table values('i18E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq10','James','james101@gmail.com','James');
insert into day_schedule(event_date,time_in_day,day,uploader,upload_time,user_id) values('25/05/2023',19366,'Thursday','Saeed','22 May at 12:50PM','vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values('27/05/2023',19368,'Saturday','Saeed','23 May at 08:16AM','vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values ('28/05/2023', 19369, 'Sunday', 'Saeed', '24 May at 09:30AM', 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values ('29/05/2023', 19370, 'Monday', 'Saeed', '25 May at 11:45AM', 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values ('30/05/2023', 19371, 'Tuesday', 'Saeed', '26 May at 01:00PM', 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values ('31/05/2023', 19372, 'Wednesday', 'Saeed', '27 May at 02:15PM', 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values ('01/06/2023', 19373, 'Thursday', 'Saeed', '28 May at 03:30PM', 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values ('02/06/2023', 19374, 'Friday', 'Saeed', '29 May at 04:45PM', 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values ('03/06/2023', 19375, 'Saturday', 'Saeed', '30 May at 06:00PM', 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'); insert into day_schedule values ('05/06/2023', 19377, 'Monday', 'Saeed', '01 June at 08:30PM', 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2');
insert into time_schedule(ts_midnight,timestamp_utc,message_time,message,upload_time,is_completed,event_date) values(735,1684995300000,'12:15PM','Renew library book','22 May at 12:50PM',0,'25/05/2023'); insert into time_schedule values (1380, 1685206800000,'11:00PM','Office e jaoa lagbe','31 Mar at 04:43PM',0,'27/05/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (1380, 1685293200000, '11:00PM', 'Prepare presentation', '30 Mar at 05:30PM', 1, '28/05/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (885, 1685349900000, '02:45PM', 'Read a book', '24 May at 06:20PM', 0, '29/05/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (900, 1685437200000, '03:00PM', 'Attend project meeting', '24 May at 06:20PM', 1, '30/05/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (600, 1685505600000, '10:00AM', 'Client meeting', '31 Mar at 12:20PM', 1, '31/05/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (945, 1685526300000, '03:45PM', 'Prepare for exam', '24 May at 06:17PM', 0, '31/05/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (1080, 1685620800000, '06:00PM', 'Workout at the gym', '31 Apr at 11:30AM', 1, '01/06/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (900, 1685696400000, '03:00PM', 'Research new technology', '01 Apr at 09:30AM', 0, '02/06/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (840, 1685779200000, '02:00PM', 'Lunch with colleagues', '29 Mar at 02:30PM', 1, '03/06/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (960, 1685786400000, '04:00PM', 'Submit project report', '29 Mar at 08:30PM', 1, '03/06/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (120, 1685908800000, '02:00AM', 'Pay bills', '01 Apr at 06:00AM', 1, '05/06/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (540, 1685934000000, '09:00AM', 'Meeting with team', '30 Mar at 11:15AM', 1, '05/06/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (1050, 1685964600000, '05:30PM', 'Submit expense report', '29 Mar at 11:15PM', 1, '05/06/2023'); INSERT INTO time_schedule VALUES (1170, 1685971800000, '07:30PM', 'Team dinner', '30 Mar at 01:20AM', 1, '05/06/2023');
INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1684995300000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Renew library book', '31 Mar at 04:43PM', 0); insert into notification values (1685206800000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Office e jaoa lagbe','22 May at 12:50PM',0); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685526300000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Prepare for exam', '01 Apr at 08:30AM', 0); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685964600000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Submit expense report', '29 Mar at 11:15PM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685971800000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Team dinner', '30 Mar at 01:20AM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685908800000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Pay bills', '01 Apr at 06:00AM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685934000000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Meeting with team', '30 Mar at 11:15AM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685786400000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Submit project report', '29 Mar at 08:30PM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685779200000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Lunch with colleagues', '29 Mar at 02:30PM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685696400000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Research new technology', '01 Apr at 09:30AM', 0); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685620800000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Workout at the gym', '31 Mar at 11:30AM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685437200000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Attend project meeting', '29 Mar at 07:45PM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685349900000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Read a book', '01 Apr at 06:30AM', 0); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685293200000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Prepare presentation', '30 Mar at 05:30PM', 1); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685505600000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2', 'Client meeting', '31 Mar at 12:20PM', 1); ---- INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685505600000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq1', 'Meeting with client', '31 Mar at 12:20PM', 0); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685349900000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq1', 'Read two book', '01 Apr at 06:30AM', 0); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685696400000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq1', 'Destroy old technology', '01 Apr at 09:30AM', 0); INSERT INTO notification VALUES (1685696400000, 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq4', 'Take a break', '01 Apr at 09:30AM', 0);
Data is not being inserted beacuse user_id is foreign key to user_table and '111vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2' doesn't exist at user table.
select, where
select * from time_schedule where event_date = '05/06/2023';
select, where, sub-query, aggregate function, rename table, naming column
select event_date, (select count(*) from time_schedule ts where ds.event_date = ts.event_date) as no_of_schedules from day_schedule ds;
select, where, sub-query, aggregate-function, 2 tables
select event_date, message from time_schedule ts where ( ts.event_date = ( select event_date from day_schedule where time_in_day = ( select min(time_in_day) from day_schedule ) ) );
insert into day_schedule values( '27/01/2023',19368,'Saturday','Saeed','23 May at 08:16AM','i18E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq10' );
1 row created.
delete from day_schedule where user_id = 'i18E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq10' and event_date = '27/01/2023';
1 row deleted.
select event_date, day from day_schedule where day = 'Thursday' union select event_date, day from day_schedule where day = 'Saturday';
Both set must have to have same no of column and definition
select event_date, day from day_schedule where day in('Saturday', 'Sunday') intersect select event_date, day from day_schedule where day = 'Saturday';
select event_date, day from day_schedule where day in('Saturday', 'Sunday') and event_date not in ( select event_date from day_schedule where day = 'Sunday' );
Except is not supported in all database version
allows to give a 'sub-query block' a name
with my_table(n_date,total) as ( select event_date, count(event_date) from time_schedule group by event_date ) select event_date, total from day_schedule , my_table where event_date = n_date;
select avg(time_in_day) as avg from day_schedule;
select event_date, count(*) as total from time_schedule group by event_date;
shows date with schedule count
select event_date from time_schedule where timestamp_utc = ( select max(timestamp_utc) from time_schedule);
shows last schedule date
select event_date from time_schedule where timestamp_utc = ( select min(timestamp_utc) from time_schedule);
shows first schedule date
select sum(is_completed) completed, count(*) - sum(is_completed) incomplete from time_schedule;
shows number of completed nad incomplete schedules
select event_date, count(*) from time_schedule group by event_date having count(*) > 1;
Date with more than 1 schedules
select user_id, message_new from notification where ( user_id = 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2' or user_id = 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq1' ) and is_completed = 0;
all incomplete schedules of two user
select event_date, message from time_schedule where ts_midnight <= some( select ts_midnight from time_schedule where ts_midnight <= 735 );
All user's schedules before 12:16PM
select event_date, message from time_schedule where ts_midnight <= all( select ts_midnight from time_schedule where ts_midnight >= 735 );
All user's schedules before 12:16PM
select name from user_table ut where exists( select * from notification where user_id = ut.user_id );
All user's who has notification
percent ( % ). The % character matches any substring
underscore ( _ ). The _ character matches any character
select user_id, event_date, message from day_schedule natural join time_schedule where user_id = 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2';
select user_id, name, event_date from user_table natural join day_schedule; select user_id,name,event_date from user_table join day_schedule using(user_id); select ut.user_id,name,event_date from user_table ut join day_schedule ds on ut.user_id = ds.user_id;
above 3 query produce same result
view is a virtual table derived from the result of a query that can be treated a table. Views are useful for simplifying complex queries.
Procedural Language extensions to the SQL. Enables developers to combine the power of SQL with procedural statements. Adds many procedural constructs to SQL language to overcome some limitations of SQL. It allows declaration of constants and variables, procedures and functions, types and variable of those types and triggers.
set serveroutput on declare name user_table.name%type; uid user_table.user_id%type; email varchar(50); begin select user_id,name,email into uid,name,email from user_table where user_id = 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'; dbms_output.put_line('UID: ' || uid || ' Name: ' || name || ' Email: ' || email ); end; /
set serveroutput on declare uid USER_TABLE.USER_ID%type := 'abcdef1234'; email varchar(30) := 'abutest3456@gmail.com'; name varchar(30) := 'A Saeed'; password user_table.password%type := '123456'; begin delete from user_table where user_id = 'abcdef1234'; -- main line of code insert into user_table values(uid,email,name,password); select * into uid, name, email, password from user_table where user_id = 'abcdef1234'; dbms_output.put_line(uid || ' ' || name || ' ' || email || ' ' || password); end; /
A data type that represents a row in a table.
set serveroutput on declare my_row user_table%rowtype; begin select * into my_row from user_table where user_id = 'abcdef1234'; dbms_output.put_line(my_row.user_id || ' ' || my_row.email); end; /
A pointer to a set of rows returned by a SELECT query
set serveroutput on declare cursor cur is select * from user_table; row user_table%rowtype; begin open cur; fetch cur into row; while cur % found loop dbms_output.put_line(row.user_id || ' ' || row.name); fetch cur into row; end loop; close cur; end; /
TYPE NAME_ARR IS VARRAY(5) OF user_table.name%type;
It defines a user-defined collection type named NAME_ARR as a variable array of 5 elements. where each element is of type name in user_table
above line of code will initialize an array variable whose elements type is same as name of user_table.
set serveroutput on declare type NAME_ARR is VARRAY(5) of user_table.name%type; arr NAME_ARR := NAME_ARR(); counter number; begin counter := 1; for i in 13..15 loop arr.extend(); arr(counter) := 'abu ' || i; counter := counter+1; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('------------------------------------------------'); counter := 1; while (counter <= arr.count ) loop dbms_output.put_line(arr(counter)); counter := counter+1; end loop; end; /
set serveroutput on; declare TYPE ID_ARRAY is VARRAY(5) of USER_TABLE.USER_ID % type; uids ID_ARRAY := ID_ARRAY('vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2','c12E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq4','g16E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq8'); uid USER_TABLE.USER_ID%type; name user_table.name%type; begin for i in 1..uids.count loop select user_id, name into uid, name from user_table where user_id = uids(i); dbms_output.put_line(uid || ' -> ' || name); end loop; end; /
with without increase size dynamically by one size is defined manually need to extend before adding can assign directly In both cases, size of array can't exceed the actual size while defining our array.
set serveroutput on; declare TYPE ID_ARRAY is VARRAY(5) of USER_TABLE.USER_ID % type; uids ID_ARRAY := ID_ARRAY('vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2','c12E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq4','g16E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq8'); uid USER_TABLE.USER_ID%type; name user_table.name%type; begin for i in 1..uids.count loop select user_id, name into uid, name from user_table where user_id = uids(i); dbms_output.put_line(name); if name = 'Saeed' then dbms_output.put_line('hello idiot'); elsif name = 'Mary' then dbms_output.put_line('Hello Mary'); else dbms_output.put_line('Who are you?'); end if; end loop; end; /
Creating procedure
create or replace procedure printUserInfo(uid IN varchar, row OUT user_table%rowtype) as tmp varchar(30); begin select * into row from user_table where user_table.user_id = uid; tmp := row.name; dbms_output.put_line(tmp); end; /
after executing..
Calling procedure
set serveroutput on declare val user_table%rowtype; uid varchar(30) := 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'; begin printUserInfo(uid,val); dbms_output.put_line(val.user_id || ' ' || val.name); end; /
Drop procedure
drop procedure printUserInfo;
drop procedure procedure_name;
Creating function
create or replace function getName(uid in varchar) return varchar as name varchar(30); begin select user_table.name into name from user_table where user_table.user_id = uid; dbms_output.put_line('returning ' || name); return name; end; /
Calling function
set serveroutput on declare val varchar(30); uid varchar(30) := 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq2'; begin val := getName(uid); dbms_output.put_line(val); end; /
Drop function
drop function getName;
drop function function_name;
Procedure Function Can't return value Can return value cannot be directly used in SQL statement. Can be used in SQL statements directly
A database trigger is a piece of procedural code that is automatically executed in response to certain events on a table or view in a database. Triggers are typically used to maintain the integrity of the data in the database, or to perform some other action in response to a change in the data.
set serveroutput on;
create or replace trigger message_updater
after update on time_schedule
referencing old as o new as n
for each row
update notification set message_new = :n.message where timestamp_utc = :o.timestamp_utc and user_id = 'vH1E5iZ8o7O9MuEqW2BniUShRFq4';
Will update message after any changes in time_schedule table