I have created a Twitter Automated Messaging Tool using Python to send a private message to the profile links you provide! This script uses Selenium browser to execute the commands.
To install and run this project,
You can download the zip file or Clone the Project Repository using Git with the below command:
git clone https://github.com/DhruvAthaide/Twitter-Messaging-Automation.git
Once, you have installed the Repository then you can cd into the directory and pip install the requirements needed to run the tool:
cd Twitter-Messaging-Automation
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, you need to create a CSV File and name it:
Name: profile_links.csv
Then, you need to set the following column name in the Excel File and paste the Twitter profile's link you want to message in this column:
Column 1: Profile Links
Then, create a .env file in your repository folder and enter your credentials in the .env file as these will be the credentials used to log into your twitter account to message the Profiles:
Then, customize your message which you want to send to the Twitter profile's on Line 92:
text = "your message"
Then, you can simply run the python file and not touch anything and it will execute the message sending to the Twitter profile's provided in the XLSX or Excel File.