Prototype of a Speckle connector for FreeCAD Part (OpenCASCADE) in its early phase.
Is currently supported : sending Box, Circle, Line.
The code works as a FreeCAD Macro.
To test it :
- Create a Speckle account and install the Speckle manager
- Import the specklepy library inside FreeCAD :
-open FreeCAD 0.21\bin in a command line
-FreeCAD has its own python interpreter. Run :
"[PATH]\python.exe" -m pip install specklepy
where [PATH] is the FreeCAD bin folder, for exemple : C:\Program Files\FreeCAD 0.21\bin - Create a new Speckle project in your Speckle online Dashboard
- Copy paste in a FreeCAD Macro and set the stream_id (line 18) to the one of your own Spekcle project
- Create some (supported) geometries in FreeCAD (Part Workbench)
- Run the macro