The Game of Life, also known simply as "Life", is a cellular automaton developed in 1970. It is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state and does not require additional actions. A person interacts with the Game of Life, creating an initial configuration and watching how it develops. It is Turing complete and can model a universal constructor or any other Turing machine.
- In an empty (dead) cell, if there are exactly three living neighbors, life is born
- If a living cell has two or three living neighbors, it continues to live; otherwise, the cell dies (due to " loneliness" or "overcrowding")
- Simple controls: Tap to toggle cells and start the simulation.
- Adjustable speed: Control the pace of the simulation to observe patterns at your own rhythm.
- Customizable grid size: Tailor the dimensions of the grid to suit your preferences.
- Explore patterns: Discover famous configurations like gliders, blinkers, and more.
- Customize rules: Experiment with different rule sets to create new and unique simulations.
- Adaptive theming
- Localization
- BackdropScaffold usage
- Large screen support
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