Excited to announce the completion of my latest project, 'Property Sale'! 🏡 Built on MERN stack with real-time chat functionality using A platform where you can buy, sell, or rent properties.
Here is the overview of the project.
Technology: 🚀 Backend - Node Js, Express Js, Socket Io, Mongoose, Jwt.
Database - Mongodb.
Fronted - React Js, React Router Dom, React Hook Form, Firebase, Tailwind Css, Socket Io Client.
Features: 🚀
- Real time conversation and local notification.
- Search and sort result.
- Buyer and saler role management.
- Authentication with google or email.
- Property Image upload facilities.
- Pagination for all posts.
Ahhh😪...there are many more features here is live url and don't forget to check it out.
Live URL -