This is a project I started a while back (Successor of Fegaria) and have recently picked it back up. It requires a pretty good CPU to run at large resolutions. I recommend using 800x600 (for pygame 1), although you can choose what you like in the config file. The lighting is enabled by default, but will likely run very slowly (Despite the fact that most of the processing happens on another thread). You can disable it in-game with the L key or in the config file. There's a bunch more keybinds you can find in the included controls file.
I've only used modules that are installed when python 3.6.4 is installed (with the exception of pygame), so all you have to do is run the 'run.pyw' file to play the game.
- pygame
- sys
- math
- time
- os
- random
- pickle
- datetime
- webbrowser
- xmltodict (included)
- You can turn off and on settings in the 'config.txt' file
- Changes might be listed in 'changelog.txt' if I can be bothered lol
- Music and sounds from Terraria, not my own.